I do not unagree. What I do find offensive is arbitrary dismissal, witholding the voice of injured parties, the unnecessary use of cyber force and the sinister disappearances- BUT only in the light of greater wrongs which continue to go unpunished, if even investigated.
Tell me, which has more harm potential to the community at large, a person or persons who choose to be abrasive by their choice of words in a forum where no further damage can be wrought, or the person who deliberately and intentionally sets out to defraud ALL members by theft and duplicity?
Now I know that I am not yet privvy to all the facts, and I know of some of the problems associated with apprehending fraudulent perpetrators, but what I do not know, and have the greatest of difficulty working out, is just why people who voice opinions that everyone else is too careful or frightened to espouse are held from view and judged to be too great a danger to someone, or other..
Lizzie xx