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Thu, Nov 10 2011 4:40 AM (15 replies)
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  • whistledog19
    7 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2011 12:46 PM

    Hi  -  very new to site and generally enjoy myself, but when hit the "whine" button as to the server stopping and starting mid-shot (which cost me strokes in 2 tourneys) had an auto-e-mail sent from you...

    I realize that this my own ignorance, but i have not a clue as to how to well, why is it against the rules for my wife to play (she's actually better than me) and just switch the avatar to female  -  she clearly states that she is who she is, as do I when asked (male avatar) - again, my ignorance?

    Do not wanna rock-the-boat, but seems a little narrow minded, and to be frank, a little bit of money-grubbing on WGT's part  -  the credits came off a credit card with both our names on it, not sand-bagging, nor trying to deceive.

    That being said, have a good one, and i apologize for the language earlier.


  • borntobesting
    9,738 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2011 7:31 PM

    why is it against the rules for my wife to play (she's actually better than me) and just switch the avatar to female  -  she clearly states that she is who she is, as do I when asked (male avatar) - again, my ignorance

    Because the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you joined WGT says that no one shall allow another person to use his or her account and that includes husbands and wives. I she wants to play create a separate account for her. 

  • whistledog19
    7 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2011 4:31 AM


    why is it against the rules for my wife to play (she's actually better than me) and just switch the avatar to female  -  she clearly states that she is who she is, as do I when asked (male avatar) - again, my ignorance

    Because the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you joined WGT says that no one shall allow another person to use his or her account and that includes husbands and wives. I she wants to play create a separate account for her. 

    I still disagree and do not fathom the logic.........that being said, we will not switch avatars, will be dishonest as to who is playing, and continue on our merry way... this the way you guys envisioned WGT? Very petty point, to be sure, but as it is a "beta" game, probably something that needs to be addressed for the future.

    And I still want to know that while shooting a -2 that I end up with a +3  due to a wonky server (in a tourney, for credits).....................stopping mid swing  -  normally I'd be happy with a +3, but do not need help from the product when I'm shooting the best round yet here.

    Respectfully, still PIST,


  • whistledog19
    7 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2011 6:01 AM


    why is it against the rules for my wife to play (she's actually better than me) and just switch the avatar to female  -  she clearly states that she is who she is, as do I when asked (male avatar) - again, my ignorance

    Because the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you joined WGT says that no one shall allow another person to use his or her account and that includes husbands and wives. I she wants to play create a separate account for her. 


    Here I am at +1 on the 16th at St. Andrews, in a tournament, perfect set up at a chance at bird   -  *POOF*  -  connection now cannot access same tournament, no credits possibly earned     WTF??!

    Also happened previous game of blitz when AHEAD  -  they say paranoia will destroy ya, but since pointed out wonky server, have had the last 3 games before that freeze, and now 2 "connections lost"......................are you Dick Cheney?

    T'is a gawdam shame.


  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2011 6:03 AM

    The Rules are the Rules....

  • whistledog19
    7 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2011 6:43 AM

    I more than agree, as I am a rules stickler  -  but as I stated, sometimes the rules are either incorrect, stupid, or should be re-done in order to forward the game.

    My wife plays here more than I, as she has more time than I  -  she set up the C.C. (had no idea), yet the account is in my name  -  I purchased the credits after she informed me of this site, and lately have been playing more than her...

    If it is that big of a deal and you are firm, that's OK.

    Something that should be re-thought in my opinion, but understand and will go with the powers-that-be.


    ps: you will hear from me no more on this subject, and have a good one.

  • giraffedog
    144 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2011 8:25 AM

    ACCOUNT DISABLED  -  WTF? agreed to the rules (see last post here)

    not right guys   -  just not right.

    wife has new account as "giraffedog" and how i am now accessing.

    whistledog19 is seperate as per rules, and which i agreed.........fer chrissakes, an opinion gets me the boot?

    will shut the f**k up, but you boys be wrong to block criticism of this BETA game....and only reported as to what i experienced  -  is that not what you need to improve the game, and take it from beta?

    Do you want my $$  -  already spent, yet suspended.............


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2011 12:17 PM



    From the FAQ:

    Can I create more than one player account?

    Each player may have one account, and you can only create one player per email address. Playing in tournaments using more than one account is a serious offense and may result in being permanently banned from WGT.


    Are you using the same email address to register both accounts?


  • giraffedog
    144 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2011 2:15 PM




    From the FAQ:


    Can I create more than one player account?

    Each player may have one account, and you can only create one player per email address. Playing in tournaments using more than one account is a serious offense and may result in being permanently banned from WGT.



    Are you using the same email address to register both accounts?


    No  -  as stated, will follow rules, did not realize such a big whoop-de-doo to get my account  disabled.......opininions on ANY beta game should not be ignored.

    You are dead wrong, while i may be wrong......not what i spent my $$ for.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2011 2:25 PM

    The reason you received the email is because I used the "report abuse" button.

    It is in violation of the TOC to share accounts.


    I really like this I report avatars, multi-accounts, basically anything that is against the TOC when I see it.

    WGT does not have the man power to police everything, so I help. I have seen what happens to sites when the membership just bitches and does nothing.

    It is unfortunate that you were caught up in something that you think is wrong, but coming on to the forums and advertising that you are breaking the rules is kind of like telling your boss at work to shove it and not expect any consequences. 


    Kind of cool to have a thread named after me though....  :)


    Happy hitting


    *edit    Email WGT  (  , explain that you now have separate accounts and you would like it reinstated. You never know.   

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