argydehes: No, my husband is a dipshit because he is still at work while dinner is waiting........
Was that really necessary. eventually, he'll see your post. But you have something better than the other "females" that play here .....cant remember the name, Uh huh. After reading your posts, i bet he left work hours ago.
Not sure what you mean by having something better than other females that play here.. but to imply that I had already left work hours before shows just how little you needed to even reply to her calling me (her husband) a dipshit.
On the 6th of next month, we will enjoy our 6th anniversary. I'm sure there are plenty here that have celebrated a lot more than that, but I can guarantee you that you won't find anyone else here more happy with their spouse than I am with mine. One of the main reasons for that is that we don't piss and moan about life or about each other, we take it and run with it. The way we pick at each other works for us. I'm sorry if you don't approve, but I can assure you that it's not going to change.