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Wed, Nov 9 2011 10:03 AM (174 replies)
  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 8:48 PM

    just know that it was for a reason and as long as you follow the T&C's, it wont happen to you too...


    That's laughable Im afraid. Is that supposed to make me fearful of them?

  • MentalChaos
    141 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 9:19 PM


    just know that it was for a reason and as long as you follow the T&C's, it wont happen to you too...


    That's laughable Im afraid. Is that supposed to make me fearful of them?


    see your taking my comments the wrong way, im not attacking you, or Mio, or anyone else for that matter..

    my point is simple.. WGT had a reason, you are not privy to that reason, they have the right to keep you in the dark, get over it. End of point.

  • robdelahunty
    670 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 10:21 PM

    Obviously the guy harassed people to no end..

    Not obvious to me.I have only heard 2 people complain about Mio.

    Yet if there was a fake virtual petition to re-instate him,i am sure he would top that number!

    I used to be oblivious to the obvious myself,now i'm just a Dumb Ass!

    After 1 min of looking at your profile and Stats.I had seen enough of the obvious to realise  you won't be signing no petition way obviously!


  • MentalChaos
    141 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 10:35 PM


    After 1 min of looking at your profile and Stats.I had seen enough of the obvious to realise  you won't be signing no petition way obviously!


    What exactly does that mean? Ive never even met the guy or even care whether he comes back.. I've just seen more posts about it than i care to see.. and no matter what people do they wont unban him on principal...

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 11:06 PM



    It is my business. He is a friend of mine and many others. I value friendship, perhaps you don't.

    If you don't like our stance than there are plenty of other threads you can stick your unwanted oar into.i.e. take your own advice and move on.

    You might feel bad for the guy, feel like he didnt deserve it.. whatever the case may be.. the point is YOU ARE NOT THE ADMIN OR OWNER of this game.. therefore it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS as to why the people in charge did what they did.. you can *** about it and disagree with it all you want.. and they never have to tell you why they did it or even listen to your please..and until you create your own game then you really have no say in what goes on around here.. and blah blah I know you'll come back with "oh but im a whiny paying customer and the customer is always right", however... all you really are is a donator.. and once you turned over your money to the company, its theirs to do with what they want and you just have to live with it.

    Obviously the guy harassed people to no end.. so good reddens.. If you were to pay to say hit a round of golf at a course.. and there was some guy driving around in a golf cart yelling out loud that the group in front of you are all cheaters and hacks and drove around the course annoying the crap out of people, would you not want the management to throw them out so you can enjoy your round.. well this may be a virtual world.. but its the exact same concept.. so get over it. You cant be a hypocrit and say you would want one thing but if it were your friend driving around doing it, it would be ok...

    Be nice if you could spell...obvious spell checker works for you, but you have no idea if it's right or

    So fact up one would be on the course riding around ranting about this and that.


    They'd be right here like you and me, in the 19th  hole.  Not interferring with anyones game the least bit.


    My buddy, enemy, hater of my kids...talking smack about me whiles sitting at the bar, does NOT affect my putt on 18 the least bit.

  • robdelahunty
    670 Posts
    Thu, Oct 6 2011 11:47 PM

    What exactly does that mean? Ive never even met the guy or even care whether he comes back.. I've just seen more posts about it than i care to see.. and no matter what people do they wont unban him on principal...

    Since you ask!

    i will start with;You got No friends or as some say,Billy no mates!

    You don't care wether he comes back=stop posting then!

    You have seen more than you care to see=stop reading then and go away 

    As for principals,I have mine and you obviously have yours!

    I can only hope and pray,that 1 day if enough like minded folks do the same,then maybe we could find what we are looking for! And if that prayer happens to reach the Big man upstairs...........Well lets just say he CAN move Mountains!

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 3:32 AM

    Such a crying shame. This whole Mio business sucks and really pisses me off to no end. We, as a community have come together on behalf of one that can no longer speak for himself, an intervention of sorts, to politely ask the WGT powers that be to reconsider their decision and give this guy another chance.

    I am sorry MIO, but we have our answer.


    Kind of reminds me of someone running through the halls with her Ramons tee shirt pulled up over her head and states the truest of facts, "well, I can't see you so you can't see me." Then runs squarely into a wall. Priceless.

    It matters not what we want to WGT and Mio was kicking them where it hurts.

    It's all about the money.

    MONEY, grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.

    MONEY, well get back, I'm all right jack, keep your hands off my stack.

    MONEY, it's a hit. Don't give that do goody good bullshi$.

    MONEY, it's a crime, share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie.

    MONEY. so they say, is the root of all evil today. But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise that they're giving none away.

    Bottom line: multi account cheating bastar#$ = MONEY! Turn a blind eye and how is my bank account looking? Fantastic! lalalalalalalalalala.

    Are there headquarters located in San Fransisco? If so, should not be hard to find. Just might want to take a trip down south to say hello, to the big guy.

    HI, MY NAME IS SDORR. YOU GOT A MINUTE? Can't miss me, 6'-5 1/2" tall, 274 LBS wearing a 36" waist with size 12 fry boots. I'll park my Harley right in front.

    I am looking forward to meeting you!

    Have a nice day!


  • Pryke
    295 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 5:18 AM

    I don't know Mio and have little knowledge, apart from these posts, of his situation. I played a Match-play game recently against a Tour-Master (I was Master), I went 1up on the 5th hole Kiawah back 9, birdie'd the next three and won the game. Although he also birdie's 2 holes because i went 4-in-a-row he was convinced I was a cheat and presistently accused me.

    Sadly (and maybe stupidily) this has changed how I play this game. I will now only play Match-play against my friends or fellow CC members.

    If Mio has falsely accused someone then I have little sympathy...but...but if the person accused is willing to forgive then I believe he should be allowed to continue...with restrictions eg. no forum posts, inability to post on other peoples walls etc.

    I just wish to see some action on these things from WGT. Sandbaggers, cheats and this...I've just finished playing Alt.Shot with a level 88 amateur who on the par5 2nd(?) front 9 Kiawah put the ball less then 100yards from the flag from the tee (sorry I know thats not this thread).

    Just sticking my oar in :)



  • MentalChaos
    141 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 11:34 AM


    i will start with;You got No friends or as some say,Billy no mates!

    You don't care wether he comes back=stop posting then!

    You have seen more than you care to see=stop reading then and go away 

    As for principals,I have mine and you obviously have yours!

    I can only hope and pray,that 1 day if enough like minded folks do the same,then maybe we could find what we are looking for! And if that prayer happens to reach the Big man upstairs...........Well lets just say he CAN move Mountains!

    - I had alot of friends, but got rid of them due to meter issues...

    - I do in fact care if he comes back, in the way that if he broke the T&C's himself then he should not be allowed back...

    - As for your principals, I'm sorry that you would allow people who break the rules to come back as long as "their sorry and wont do it again".... If thats the case lets let all the multi's to keep playing under their new name as long as they apologize for taking the new guys credits and promise to not do it again....

  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Fri, Oct 7 2011 12:06 PM

    - i have quite a few friends on this game. Some fantastic people and very good players. I have no meter problems with the amount of friends on my list.

    - you don't care if he comes back, not knowing about the situation or knowing him or anything.

    -as for principals, if you could maybe open up your eyes, there has been much much worse done here that warrants atleast a temporary ban or permanent ban. Still trying to figure out why you are so interested in this whole situation, since you said you don't really care, and not knowing the person involved.

    Cheers, LJ