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Qualifier tournys always unlimited play, why?

Tue, Oct 25 2011 1:08 PM (62 replies)
  • joofcorn
    188 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 11:43 AM

    Am I the only one who doesnt like the fact that whenever there is a tournament with big prizes (like this fall series) the qualifiers are ALWAYS unlimited play?  It basically takes qualifying almost completely out of the realm of possibility for those of us who aren't legends.  The current qualifier cut lie is already at 62 (my best is still 61) and that will probably drop to around 58 or even lower by the time its over.  Why can't qualifiers be single play, that way those of us who aren't top tier can at least have a hope of qualifying.  Would we win? Probably not, but at least having a shot at playing the later rounds would be nice.

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 11:51 AM

    If they aren't unlimited play, some of the "big guns" will miss out and scoring will be much worse in the championship round.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 11:51 AM

    I understand your prospective. I was going to play it last night but didnt relize we can replay as many times as we like lol. Guess what I am doing over the weekend. My best score yet is a 62 which i got last week and can see how you are looking at it. The best way to look at it is this way, at least I think personally. If it was a one try event the same thing would happen as the Legends etc. will get a good score compared to the rest of us as this is what they do. By actually making it unlimited it gives everyone a shot. You keep playing it over & over which will get you to understand the course better. If your not top 100 you still have a chance at a prize, as the driver is a draw, plus you had some fun. Now get out there and get yourself in the 50's lol. At least thats what I am going to try for , if not successful at least I know the course bettter and had some fun.


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 11:52 AM

    Good news is it's only 3 weeks of quals.


    Might I make a suggestion for you though?  I'd suspect you would have a better shot at qualifying if you did some stroke play, rather than just CTTH stuff.

    It's good to learn your irons, but putting is key.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 1:17 PM

    I think it would be best to limit it to say 5 rounds if it were possible.

  • joofcorn
    188 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 1:39 PM

    One more point, I don't think it proves much when lets say you get a 55, and make the cut.  Great, but along the way you played probably 10+ rounds with many restarts and could have done terrible in all but that one game.  I think it is much more impressive when the people who score low get 1 chance and do score that low.  I have won i think 2 tournys since joining, and both were single play.  Probably almost all of my top 10 finishes were also in the single plays.  I either don't spend as much time on this game as others to win the unlimited plays (I play maybe a few hours a week) or maybe I'm just not getting lucky to get that one amazing round in an unlimited play.

  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 2:11 PM

    It's all about the BALLS.

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 2:13 PM

    The more you play means more golf balls which means more MONEY!

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 2:16 PM

    Getting away from the single play / unlimited debate, one random player from each tier is going to win an R11 driver.

    Most Legends (and Tour masters) already have the R11 in their bag.

    The Hack who is lucky in the draw is going to have a huge advantage for the next 4 months as nobody in his tier will be able to drive within 50yds of him. Unless of course it's that lvl 90 Hack who never plays stroke play (only MP credit games), and he's likely to have the R11 already too.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 3:07 PM

    I would prefer a limited number of attempts or restarts, maybe 6 or so.

    I shot 59 in my first attempt and how if I am not four under after 3 holes it becomes restart, restart.  Good for WGT ball sales but not really a good way to play golf.