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2010 WMPL Champion: werksux!!

Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:41 PM (326 replies)
  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2010 2:00 AM


    Week 3 results have been posted!  Good luck in Week 4!

  • Iamcdn
    25 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2010 8:22 AM


  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Tue, Jan 19 2010 1:08 PM


    2010 raw schedules have been released on the front page.  Included is a full Week-by-Week league schedule that has all of the dates for all 16 weeks of competition listed. 

    There are also new links to individual player schedules.  This will show you all 16 of your matches in one convenient place.  These are sorted and grouped by division so you can keep an eye on what your division rivals' schedules look like.

    Keep in mind that the slots are just filled with generic Conference & Divisional designations right now.  Once qualifying is complete and we know who the Top 16 in each conference will be then all of the generics will be changed to player names. 

    The schedule was made by hand, so it could contain errors.  I looked it over quite thoroughly myself, but it's possible I missed something.  There shouldn't be any conflicts with it, but if you see anything wrong please let me know ASAP.

    I just wanted to give you guys a little more to look at and perhaps a little extra motivation to get those low scores.

    Enjoy and good luck this week!  =)

  • werksux
    241 Posts
    Wed, Jan 20 2010 1:31 PM

    Week 3 has KILLED me on scores so far lol.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Wed, Jan 20 2010 10:45 PM


    It has recently come to my attention that the account of a certain player who was participating in this league is no longer available with a player search.  Generally that means the account as has been deactivated.  Based on that I've decided to go back and remove that player from the leaderboards in all 6 events where points were collected.

    As a result of the points redistribution your overall totals are slightly higher than they were yesterday.  There was only 1 shift in the Top 16 as the exit caused by the player in question allowed Flyinturtle to jump up two spots and claim the 15th position.  lilrob88 still hangs on to the 16th spot.  There was some minor shifting in the 25th and lower positions since there are not as many points collected farther down in the rankings.

    All materials have been updated.

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sun, Jan 24 2010 12:49 PM

    The score for my RD 2 of the WK 4 Multi is incorrect.  It should be 69.


    Edit: I will delete this post after you make the change.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Jan 24 2010 4:48 PM


    Score submissions for week 3 4 will be accepted until 3:00AM EST on 1/24.  That's about 7 hours from time of this posting.  Get those last minute week 3 4 scores in ASAP!

    *edit* thx oppy =)

  • oppy
    286 Posts
    Sun, Jan 24 2010 5:32 PM

    week 4 I believe, but OK I've got it

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Mon, Jan 25 2010 1:36 AM


    Week 4 results have been posted!

    Some minor jockeying for position in the National Conference but no new entries into the Top 16 this week.  I think the top 10 or so players are probably safe barring any major missteps, but positions 11 through 16 are still up grabs in this final week.

    On the International side of things there was only 1 player to slide out of the Top 16 allowing cappiest to step up from the 17th spot and grab that all important 16th qualifying spot.  It looks like the top 11 players are probably also safe barring any major misstreps, but positions 12 through 16 are not quite settled yet.

    This is your last week to make a move and qualify for the WMPL season!

    Good luck to everybody in Week 5!

    337 Posts
    Mon, Jan 25 2010 9:35 AM
    Thanks Niv for the chance to make the WMPL team. However it appears my game is not quite ready for prime time. So I will not be posting scores for week five. Your hard work shows by the quality of players trying to make the cut. Good luck to you and all the final team members. Enjoy the matches everyone!