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2010 WMPL Champion: werksux!!

Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:41 PM (326 replies)
  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 10:41 PM

    Ok, the WMPL has now rolled over to Week 7.  This week you'll be matching up against divisional foes, so these are big matches in terms of division tiebreakers and potential playoff positions.

    I'm a little disappointed with the match completion last week.  We had 3 matches that went to a decision and I really hate having to make decisions like this.  If this league has proven anything it's that anyone can beat anyone on any given day and it's really unfair to everyone when a match goes to decision.  Please make sure to start setting up your games TODAY and don't let the weekend sneak up on you.

    My apologies for both the lack of pictures (free hosting issues on my side, they are transferring DB's or something) and the lack of weekly match ups.  I may get back to the match-ups tomorrow, but I just ran out of time this week.  The pictures should (hopefully) be back in a day or two.

    Strength of Schedule through Week 6 is now available on the homepage.  The newest Power Rankings will be out Wednesday.

    Good luck in Week 7 and please, please let's do a better job to get all those matches completed this week!

  • cappiest
    1,345 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 11:13 PM
    ya this was very unfortunate, but i have problems with this.I am at a new job and did send 2 or 3 messages to plim in regards to limited availability. I get the impression that he believes this is my fault simply because i am the home player. I can't invite someone for a match if there not on when i am. I put in 70 hrs of work this week and am just finished now. I did manage to make it on 4 times this week but plim was not available at these times. I enjoy this format too,but i am a little upset that this seems to be falling on my shoulders here. Great idea but the time differentials mixed with long working hours make some of these matches next to impossible. If he's working 12 hr shifts and so am i last week--with time differential this isn't exactly easy. Oh well u win i
  • cappiest
    1,345 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 11:25 PM
    Here we go again....Seveking just messaged me wanting to play Mon or Weds morning time for me.Not possible....he wants to leave on Friday so these are my options. Sorry but i can't miss work to play computer golf....chalk me up for another loss i guess.....this is getting a little ridiculous actually....time difference doesn't seem to work well when it comes to getting these games in.Might just be best to pull out i guess....looking for solutions here but don't see any...........................
  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Mar 21 2010 11:40 PM

    Hey cap, I'm sorry things worked out the way they did.  I don't like having to pick and choose but unfortunately I'm forced to pick a winner one way or the other.  It's not meant to be a punishment for anything you did or didn't do, but as you said you worked a ton of hours this week and the only thing I have to really base a decision on is activity during the week and if any communications were sent to your opponents wall.  I'm not upset with you, everyone gets a free pass to miss a week.  I even went as far as to put that in the rules because I know that sometimes folks just get busy, but either way I'm still stuck with a tough decision.  This time it didn't work in your favor, but the next time it might.  Karma tends to work those kinda things out.

    I'm sure seveking would be willing to work something out if you can get back to him with some times that you can play.  He's a good guy and I'm sure he'll try to compromise something with you. 

    I'd really hate to see you exit the league this far into it, especially after nabbing that last spot in the qualifier.  It's just bad timing, don't give up just yet! =)

  • seveking
    983 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2010 5:12 AM
    I might be able to play on Tuesday or Thursday, but the time range would be smaller, you would have to tell me when you can and I will try to make it. What I definitely can´t do is to play at the weekend.
  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Tue, Mar 23 2010 3:28 PM

    WMPL Power Rankings Through Week 6!

    The WMPL Power Rankings through Week 6 have been released!    coolswing still retains the overall #1 ranking with his undefeated record, but his weaker schedule so far has BolloxInBruges and Kosei82 right on his heels at 5 wins a piece.  TallAcePaul leapfrogs from 6th to 4th and AvatarLee who remains in the 5th spot round out your Top 5 this week.

    Biggest moves up the rankings this week:

    MacGillicuddy - breaks into the Top 10 by moving up 8 spots to #9 on the heels of a 4-2 record in the highly competitive National South division.

    paulmcm - up 11 positions this week to #20 as paul is on a 2 game win streak and winning the respect of the voters

    Flyinturtle - up 7 spots to #23 with a big win last week and an 11th ranked SoS

    Biggest drops in the rankings this week:

    werksux - down 7 spots to #15 after dropping his last 2

    JTxpress - down 6 spots to #17 due to taking over for timpyron1980

    3 players tied - down 5 spots this week

    Who to watch out for:

    Vares - ranked #7 and quietly sneaking up on the top 5. Doesn't look to be slowing down either as his schedule gets a little easier along the way.

    Zippy-Pivot - could really break out and cause a fuss among the voters with a win against the undefeated coolswing this week.

    MacGillicuddy - holding his own in a tough National South division and 4 wins to boot.  Remaining schedule gets tougher, but could be considered a front-runner for a National Conference wildcard spot.


  • cappiest
    1,345 Posts
    Tue, Mar 23 2010 11:08 PM

    Ok Niv here is where we are at, i have sent Seveking another message i was on tonight for about 4 hours...he might be sleeping for all i Now we are down to Weds or Thursday,because he is not avail for play this weekend.I have given him the times i will be avail and we can go from there.....thx



  • seveking
    983 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 4:40 AM

    Yes, I was sleeping.. lol... I´ve sent you a message, hoepfully you will see it when you get up. It´s been difficult but I think I foud a gap which more or less fits in with the possibilities you gave me. Hopefully we will be ableto get this game in.

  • Zippy-Pivot
    257 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 9:38 PM

    Took a good whoopin from the Coolswing dude last night! Came out of my trance just a few minutes ago. I kinda figured he'd throw Bethpage at me, however the Red tees kinda took me by surprise!! Nice strategy Cool!! Tuff to beat a guy who birdies majority of holes, not to mention the chipin! Too hot for me......your game is bang on! Gonna have to work on my eagle putts if I'm gonna stand a chance against you!!

  • cappiest
    1,345 Posts
    Thu, Mar 25 2010 12:20 AM

    Well i tried to make this work but to no avail. Seveking sent me a PM to be avail for midnight pst and i am here but he is not. It is now 12:15am my time and i need to work at 6am. I got to go to bed as i am exhausted.....i don't believe we have any more options to play our match as Seve is gone for the weekend and i now have plans for both Sat and Sun. Don't know what else to do....sorry