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2010 WMPL Champion: werksux!!

Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:41 PM (326 replies)
  • cody6202000
    271 Posts
    Fri, Feb 19 2010 8:49 PM

    Sorry about that, niv...I've not been able to get 2 to 2 1/2 straight free hours on a high-speed connection at any time this week between classes and just not being home long enough; I should be able to squeeze some time in this weekend (maybe)...I've been keeping in constant contact with Aaron and he said he'd be available for the weekend, as well...

  • Kosei82
    144 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2010 9:11 AM

    Alrighty Niv, we got the match in yesterday so all matches are done.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2010 11:43 AM

    And with that Week 2 draws to a close with all matches completed one day early!  Way to go everyone!

    Week 2 Nuggets:

    -  Both #1 qualifying seeds in each conference took a loss this week.

    -  The National South was 4-0 against the National North this week.

    -  There are still 8 players without a loss.

    -  There were 9 matches on Bethpage this week.  The most popular Bethpage setup was White Tees, Moderate Winds & Fast Greens with 3 matches played in those conditions.

    -  There were 7 matches on Kiawah this week.  The most popular Kiawah setup was Gold Tees, Moderate Winds & Very Fast Greens with 3 matches played in those conditions.

    -  Home course advantage is proving to be a huge factor in this league with Home players going 11 - 5 this week and 20-11 overall for both weeks.

    That's it for Week 2.  Week 3 scoreboard and matchups will be up around midnight tonight.  We also have one withdrawal from the league, but I anticipate no delay in the action thanks to having available alternates.

    Good luck in week 3! =)

  • shaghar
    514 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 6:55 PM

    just wanna Say thanks to Avatarlee for the game ......


    Allthough he beat me quiet easy in the end its a pleasure to play someone so easy going and willing to help out a guy thats still very much leaning the game , just over 2 months since i discovered the game  would never of thought about playing one of the top players in a matchplay game and a super guy to boot !!! 

    thankyou mate goodluck with your rest of your games 


  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Mon, Mar 1 2010 12:47 AM

    I apologize for the lack of updates this week.  It's been a busy week and keeping up with this has proven difficult to say the least. =(

    Everything has been changed over to Week 4, but I just didn't have time to do Match Notes this week.  Again I apologize and I'll make a better effort next week.

    Good luck in week 4! =)

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2010 9:27 PM

    Psst, wake up!  It's time for Week 5!

    Week 4 Nuggets:

    -  The home players were only 9-7 last week!

    coolswing is the only undefeated player left!

    -  The course split was 9-7 in favor of Kiawah

    Can you believe that one quarter of the regular season is already over?


    Week 5 will be your first of four non-conference matches this season.  In terms of tiebreakers these four games are the quote/unquote "least important games" since non-conference record is not used as a tiebreaker. 

    However, despite all of that nonsense there are some really good matches on the dockett this week including:

    (3-1) Kosei82 at (3-1) villadeoro

    (3-1) TallAcePaul at (3-1) lilrob88

    (3-1) t.j-jiminez at (3-1) claremoreblue

    Huge significance in the first two matches listed there as the first match pits division leaders against each other while the players in second place in those same divisions also battle it out.  So much for least important right?

    Which conference will lay claim to being superior after the first week of match ups?

    We'll find out soon enough because it's RED vs BLUE week in the WMPL and conference bragging rights are at stake!

    Play well, represent your colors and good luck in Week 5!

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Tue, Mar 9 2010 7:58 PM

    One loss for the american side in my match vs. Lee .... most enjoyable match and the most gracious player i have played with yet ... thanks Lee for such a great round and for putting me at my ease ... you're a credit to your country and the international conference ...


  • flocke2308
    161 Posts
    Wed, Mar 10 2010 11:05 AM

    Had a great match with Putting Machine MacGillicuddy. Lost on the 16, where he was absolut fantastic 11 under par. Had no chance with my 8 under :-) Thanks MacGillicuddy for the great game

  • coolswing
    1,017 Posts
    Wed, Mar 10 2010 12:43 PM

    I've just played an Incredible match with Cody6202000 as both players just peppered the pins the entire time and stroke wise I was -15 and cody -14 including 1 eagle each !  The highlight for me was being able to withstand the pressure that Cody was just throwing at me hole after hole, and Cody really used his home advantage to the fullest as I've never played the Kiawah course in conditions like that before !

    Thanks for a great match Cody and well played too, you were just a little unlucky on the day with so many close misses, the difference between us was that I made 1 less mistake that's all ! 

    Thanks again niv, oops should be WGTniv now ! (congratulations btw niv, I didn't know about it until recently !).  It's just been an awesome tourney with an amazing group of great players and the matches are just some thing I've never experienced on here or in real life !

  • Broohar
    299 Posts
    Wed, Mar 10 2010 7:49 PM

    Thanks to Werksux for the great match this week in my entry to the big league. I am looking forward to the following weeks and looking to end Cools winning run !!! I'm coming after you Vic !!!