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2010 WMPL Champion: werksux!!

Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:41 PM (326 replies)
  • plim
    1,388 Posts
    Wed, May 26 2010 8:15 AM

    Thanks Nivlac for setting this comp up i've really enjoyed it. i had some good games and bad, meter and computer issues and finger and brain sync problems. but the one thing i've gained from the last 16 weeks is some great friends. thanks for all the time and effort that you have put in to the whole thing.

    And good luck to everyone in the playoffs.


  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Wed, May 26 2010 11:04 AM


    Can you just double check this as i've not played villadeoro in the regular season.

    #5 Seed (1st Wild Card): paulmcm is locked into the first wildcard position and will be on the road against the #4 seed in the first week of the playoffs.  paulmcmcannot lose this position thanks to wins over both tograss and villadeoro earlier in the season.

    You're right paul, that is incorrect.  Thank you for pointing that out. 

    You actually can drop down to the 6th seed if you lose and villa wins.  However, you still are qualified for the playoffs regardless because if it came down to a three person tie at 9-7, tograss would be out because both you and villa defeated him during the season.

    Sorry for the confusion.


  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Wed, May 26 2010 11:08 AM

    I agree with Plim.

    Thanks for hosting another great tourny niv !!   I wish I could've made a playoff spot after taking over, but the mountain was too steep for me to climb.   Plus it didn't help when pricehcs completely smoked me in our match, lol.   That was the avalanche that swept me off the mountain for good.   :)

  • villadeoro
    419 Posts
    Wed, May 26 2010 4:40 PM

    today flocke and i have our match. He hasnt possibilitys to clasificated to next round but he fighting at last shot. I need three extra holes to beat. Very nice game and a pleasure Flocke

  • shaghar
    514 Posts
    Wed, May 26 2010 9:02 PM

    Thanks Niv for setting up the comp , allthough i didnt have the best tournie is was the best experience i could ever have hoped for learning the game and meeting such great people / players , Really enjoyed it , Goodluck everyone that made the play offs !! 


  • Zippy-Pivot
    257 Posts
    Wed, May 26 2010 9:04 PM

     Just finished my last match with Shaghar. Was fun while it lasted.  Tough to beat a guy that birdies every hole except one.....and that one he eagles......Holy Friggen Hanna!! Good shootin mate!! Was a blast to be in your company!!

    Great tourney Niv. Enjoyed the challenges, the company, and the beer!! Good luck too all that are left. The remaining matches  would be exciting to watch, as the shots will no doubt be darts. Cheers, Zippy!!

  • TallAcePaul
    1,455 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 4:11 AM

    It has been a fantastically run competition Niv, I know it has not been easy for you with your new responsibilites well done for keeping it going seamlessly.

    My earlier post was a joke  but I am on holiday the whole of next week and am not going to be able to play any game until the 7th-8th of June. Is it OK to hang on until then?



  • pricehcs
    288 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 1:21 PM


    Thanks as well, got to meet and play with a lot of great players and nice people.  Everyone is friendly, courteous, and shows amazing sportsmanship.  It was my privilege to participate.

  • werksux
    241 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 1:44 PM

    Ok, everyone get your hands out of the way so I can pat him on the back too!  Good job Niv on a well put together & managed league, thanks for all the hard work man.

  • DougBieker
    333 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 7:40 PM

    Thank you to all the terrific players who Ive had the priviledge to have played on here these 16 weeks and to those I havent Im certain that you are among the best players online.  A special thanks to Nivlac for running the tournament and coming up with a way for a hack like me to qualify to even make it into the 16 weeks.....what a thrill for me...