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2021 virtual US Open scores

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Thu, Apr 1 2021 9:40 PM (5 replies)
  • ichott
    56 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2021 2:26 AM

    Whaaaat!  Top 50 scores under 40🙈 best about 27 👀

    First, is there a thread anywhere about this already, damned if I can find one?

    Tips please anyone, I’ve mapped, play good clubs, balls, etc I managed a score of 90 but to get ALL 9 ctth shots to average about 3 points each in hw/tw/bunker/long shot  from rough  is fantastic, so yes please, any tips on how to accumulate those scores 👍


  • ichott
    56 Posts
    Mon, Mar 29 2021 8:54 AM

    Has anyone played this and been happ with their score and even wondered what they needed to do to better their score 🤔

  • sammey1
    703 Posts
    Mon, Mar 29 2021 9:34 PM

    Catch lightning in a bottle. Have your mishits actually be the correct hits. A break here and there.

  • borntobesting
    9,738 Posts
    Wed, Mar 31 2021 3:34 AM

    Unless you are trying to win the $500 e-gift card your score doesn't really matter, What does matter is learning about how the ball will react on the greens on your approach shots during the Virtual U.S. Open qualifier. For instance I now know that on # 3  the 151 yard par 3 you don't want to  land on the right side of the pin more than a few feet away or it will catch the slope and end up well  over 30 feet from the hole leaving a very difficult long uphill putt. 

  • ichott
    56 Posts
    Thu, Apr 1 2021 5:12 AM

    🤔 I agree with your ‘learning’ approach, but how to you know if what you’ve learnt works, by the score of course, the score IS the measure!

    I also agree it’s not necessarily about coming first, my query is how do you get the ball with

    9 different shots on 9 different greens with with 9 different pin locations on 9 different green speeds in 9 different winds and 9 different distances with 9 different elevations and from different lies ALL to finish next to the pin 

    Explain and demonstrate please?

  • BPeterson8256
    2,931 Posts
    Thu, Apr 1 2021 9:40 PM


    Explain and demonstrate please?

    You learn how to play.

    There are many players on the leaderboard demonstrating for you.

    If it makes you feel any better, I promise you that there are no players hitting it that close on all 9 holes in one round using WGT wedges and irons.