Not always, I have seen a TM with a 56.88 average...161 rounds played, lots of alternate... and still TM... I got to legend with less stroke games played. Nobody knows what criteria WGT uses to assign players to a specific tier. Money? Don't think so... I've seen legends with 7 dollars won. ???????
Takes minimum 50 raked rounds as a tourmaster AND keep your avg below 60.99 to get to Legend tier. As someone who hung around tourpro tier much too long playing practice rounds instead of ranked ones, when I decided to tier up, was a man on mission to get to legend tees. I set up easy low wind , easy pins/greens country club tourney, and played it over and over. Would just click restart on bad rounds to keep average low. Took about 12 days to get from turning tourmaster to legend tier.
Legend tees are cool. Its fun playing from the longer tees, trying to overcome yardage advantage given to the lower tiers. Now when playing against another legend, whether win or lose, know we had same course and one who played the better round that GIVEN DAY wins. When I was master/tourmaster playing against a legend, even if I won the match/altshot, it was kinda empty win playing from shorter tees and it wasn't apples to apples in distance.
So if you're a lvl 88 tourpro/master/tourmaster with best equipment, no sweat, we can still play a fun match. It won't bother me your tees, instead will be a fun challenge. If I can overcome the yardage disadvantage and win, its a very sweet victory. If you win, I'll be first to congratulate.
This game is all about having fun. If you're having fun no matter what the tier your tier, play and enjoy. To all those considering tiering up, the water is fine. Jump on in