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% putts made from 25 - 50ft stats?

Sun, Dec 26 2021 6:08 PM (75 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 2:14 PM

    Consider the following 18 round:

    They count all successful putts (however many have come before) here so 0-5ft would be 11/25 44%.  That gives a total of 72%, there were 7 missed putts 7/25 = 28%.

    And yes a 72% success rate would give a pph of 1.38.




  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 2:19 PM


    They count all successful putts (however many have come before) here so 0-5ft would be 11/25 44%.  That gives a total of 72%, there were 7 missed putts 7/25 = 28%.

    And yes a 72% success rate would give a pph of 1.38.

    So, what you are saying, is like Sam, I am mostly right. :-)


  • MioKontic
    4,643 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 2:28 PM

    I agree with what Yiannis was saying initially - we can't take stats and then add our own explanation to it to make the stats work.  I'm not saying it is necessarily wrong, but Nivlac gave us an explanation of his theory, and although he was also WGTNiv at the time he did not say categorically from WGT's point of view that this was how the stats work - he did however say it was his theory.

    Further, the stats say "% of putts made".  Nowhere does it say "% of FIRST putts made".  People have made the assumption that it is first putts because it fits the stats.

    As I said before, WGT are secretive about everything.  Just like when someone asked how many shots on a ball, WGT did actually reply, with... when the ball runs out it will be replaced with a new one.  Thanks WGT, great answer, but not to the question asked!

    In the equation A+B=6 my theory is A = 2 and B = 4.  Why? Because I fit the numbers to match the answer.  Until WGT give us a definitive answer, which in my 11 years of being here you could count on the thumbs of one hand, it is all speculation.  And, quite frankly, useless stats!

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 2:30 PM

    So, what you are saying, is like Sam, I am mostly right. :-)

    Yes i didn't mention the many right bits :- )   The reason I corrected that was to try to avert another storm of protests about not = 100%

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 2:40 PM

    It would be nice if we had a newbie to start the game and see his/her stats after a single round. It would be easier to see how this thing calculates putts.

    Yiannis this is from p3 of this thread:

    I've now realised the easiest way to show this would be to look at someone that hasn't played much.

    This is someone who has only played one round.

    They had 46 putts with stats at 0% except for 0-5ft and 5ft-10ft. 

    % putts made 0-5ft 26.09% and % putts made 5ft-10ft 13.04%

    I think only successful putts count and others think only first putts count, both would result in the %'s being from 18. 

    12 from 46 is 26.09% and 6 is 13.04%.

    So whatever wgt are counting he made 12 putts from 0-5ft and 6 from 5ft-10ft.

    The one putt % is 11.11 so now we know 2 first putts were made, I think that rules out first putts being what is counted with the immediately apparent reason being there couldn't be two different %'s above. (as if the two putts were holed at different distances the  %'s would be the same)

    So in fact it's only the last  or successful putts  that count.  What is missing, although they are included when working out the %'s so that they don't total100% as seen, are unsuccessful putts: (missed putts 28 = 61%). 

    We don't know what distance the missed putts were from, so we don't know anyone's putting % from any particular distance. Which is back to the start, we know what % of successful putts were holed from each different distance but we don't what % of putts from each distance we've holed.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 4:19 PM

    Don't know what p3 is.....but the rest of it makes perfect sense.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 4:29 PM


    The one putt % is 11.11 so now we know 2 first putts were made, I think that rules out first putts being what is counted with the immediately apparent reason being there couldn't be two different %'s above. (as if the two putts were holed at different distances the  %'s would be the same)


    I don't get this part (perhaps i am tired...)

    He did in total 46 putts and the one putt % is 11,11%. So, 46 x 11,11% = 5,11. Therefore he holed at first attempt 5,11 putts. How did you come up with number 2?


  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 4:48 PM


    Just think the remote case of a newbie who has a 9 hole round and has holed in first attempt: 4 4-footers, 2 12footers, 2 27 footers and 1 60 footer. Look now the stats:


    0-5 = 100%

    5-10 = 0%

    10-25 = 100%

    25-50 = 100%

    50+ = 100%


    Total putts: 9




    DodgyPutter, i would like your comment in the above scenario.


  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 5:29 PM

    EDIT: I think everything I wrote was wrong. I blame the eggnog. and possibly my lack of education

  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 10:01 PM

    You ever notice, the longer a thread gets, the more wrong it gets?

    If a newbie holes all 9 greens in one putt, then they would all add up to 100%.

    I guess if, we all make new accounts, and for now on, we make every putt, on every hole (all one putts), so it will equal 100%, it will be easier to agree with the stats...just sayin' IMHO

    The key is, not to miss any putts. If we do, then it will no longer equal 100% and we will have to start another thread to figure out why.

    EDIT:  This did make sense, as a reply, until BPeterson edited his above it has no reference!!!