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% putts made from 25 - 50ft stats?

Sun, Dec 26 2021 6:08 PM (75 replies)
  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 10:52 AM

    If you didn't hole 100% of your putts from 0 - 5ft you'd never move onto the next hole.

    Not what I meant. Have to sink the putt on first try.

    Consider the stat is only for 1 putt holed greens.

    If you miss from 3' then it would be a failed attempt.

    If first putt is from 20' and you miss, that's that, it would 0%, the stat may not consider the 2nd and any other attempts afterwards from shorter distances.

    Purely a one putt stat from where it landed upon approach.

    BTW: When I miiss my putt from 0 - 5', I still have plenty of tries left to keep missing and can also move the next hole when I am done once I have reached my 15 for that hole.


  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 11:12 AM



    If the total amount of putts represent 100% of putting, the addition of the various percentages should be giving us 100%. Is this happening? No, definitely no.

    Agreed.  To illustrate:

    The %s in the red box should (ideally) add up to 100%.  They don't, which I think is what was throwing us all off during this discussion... leading to theories and speculation and misinformation.  

    I think if WGT had included a stat called % Putts Missed (which, in this case, would be 33.05%), it would all be more clear.  The stats in the red box would then add up to 100%.


    There are no putts missed. These are all your putts. Explaining: Let's say you have a putt from 127 ft. You miss it leaving the ball at 20 ft. Meanwhile, your first putt has been recorded. You try the putt from 20 ft and you miss it....the same. You putt from 1,4 ft and you make it...the same. Every putt is up there!!!

    In this example, the stats should be going like this:

    0-5 = 100%

    5-10 = 0%

    10-25 = 0%

    25-50 = 0%

    50+ = 0%


    Total putts 3.


    On the other hand, if by any chance you had missed your 1,4 putt and made the 0,8, the stats should be going like this:

    0-5 = 50%

    5-10 = 0%

    10-25 = 0%

    25-50 = 0%

    50+ = 0%


    Total putts 4.


    By analyzing this situation, makes more clear to me now why the sum of the percentages is not equal to 100%. Therefore, i was wrong before when i stated that the sum of the percentages should be equal to 100%. Could be but mostly and in 99,99% of the cases, is not and it shouldn't be. Just think the remote case of a newbie who has a 9 hole round and has holed in first attempt: 4 4-footers, 2 12footers, 2 27 footers and 1 60 footer. Look now the stats:


    0-5 = 100%

    5-10 = 0%

    10-25 = 100%

    25-50 = 100%

    50+ = 100%


    Total putts: 9


    What i am trying to explain here is, since the 5 categories above cover all distances in putting, there are no missed putts. If you miss a putt, you try another from a different spot. In any case, every putt is recorded as a success in case you sink it or a miss in case you don't (by lowering your percentage on this certain distance)


    In other words, in 2 out of 3 categories, WGT is correct.


  • RoggRR
    627 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 11:14 AM


    If you didn't hole 100% of your putts from 0 - 5ft you'd never move onto the next hole.

    giving my vote to Scotts explaination


  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 12:13 PM



    The stats shown above, in the different boxes (tables) are not related.

    The first box (% of one putts etc...) shows the percentage of  holes that are 1 putt holes.

    The second table ( % of putts made) shows the percentage of one putts made, at a particular distance, relative to total putts attempted in entire round.  This is why the two tables do not equal 100%.   Consider the following 18 round:

    18 Holes:

    13 holes are 1 putt holes

    0-5’  6 times

    5 – 10’ 3 times

    10 – 25’ 3 times

    25 – 50’ 1 time

    3 Holes are 2 putt holes

    1st Putt is 16’ and 2nd is 2’

    1st Putt is 7’ and 2nd is 1’

    1st Putt is 3’ and 2nd is 1’

    2 Holes are 3 putts

    1st is 13’, 2nd is 8’ and last is 2’

    1st is 37’, 2nd is 19’ and last is 4’

    Overall there were 25 putts

    There was a total of 12 putts taken from 0-5’. Only 6 attempts were one putt holes.

    There was a total of 5 putts take from 5 – 10’, 3 were one putt holes

    There was a total of 6 putts taken from 10 – 25’, 3 were one putt holes

    There was a total of 2 putt taken at 25’ – 50., 1 was a one putt hole.


    Stats would be as follows


    1 PUTT %      13/18 * 100    72.22

    2 PUTT %       3/18  * 100    16.64

    3 PUTTS %     2/18  * 100    11.11



    % PUTTS MADE 0 – 5’     6/25 * 100          24.00%

    % PUTTS MADE 5 – 10’   3/25 * 100          12.00%

    % PUTTS MADE 10’ 25’   3/25 * 100          12.00%

    % PUTTS MADE  25’ – 50’ 1/25 * 100          4.00 


    It seems to me, this is how WGT is calculating putting stats.

    BTW, in the above scenario, the Putting Avg. Per Hole would be 1.38


    EDIT:  Obviously not HamdenPro math, but this is earth.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 12:22 PM

    It would be nice if we had a newbie to start the game and see his/her stats after a single round. It would be easier to see how this thing calculates putts.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 12:28 PM



    Apart the percentages in putting, you can take a look as well if the numbers of the putts correspond or at least make some sense, with the total albatrosses, eagles, birdies, pars, bogeys, double bogeys, and so on.

    A new person to try to explain to.  As you'll see I'm starting at the end as this bit is simplest.

    Counting your DE through to DB gives us 40,491 and that must mean you have played that many holes as you have to get one of these, and only one, at each hole.  Not that it matters, other than being reassuring that it divides by 9 to a whole number, but this = 4,499 nines.  How many rounds obviously depends on how many 18's are included. 

    You have played 50,543 holes which gives a pph of 1.24825, so that all seems to work out fine.   

    Same logic with percentages. If the total amount of putts represent 100% of putting, the addition of the various percentages should be giving us 100%. Is this happening? No, definitely no.

    What happens with these putts (% of putts made from 0-5ft etc) is it is only your successful putt on each hole that is included in these categories.  So if you have a putt from 30ft miss to 2ft and hole that one, it counts as a successful putt from 0-5ft (the first is just a missed putt).  The trouble is when wgt work out the %'s for these categories they do it by dividing the total number of putts (including unsuccessful ones) by how many successful ones you've had from a particular distance.

    So if you add up all of your putts in the five ranges you get a total of 78.78%, the missing 11% is the missed putts. I know this doesn't tally exactly with your pph worked out above but there are various possible reasons for that.  The one I'd favour is where your 638 holed approaches fit in, obviously you didn't have a successful putt on these holes and they will be included in the DB-DE section.

    So we have:

    0-5ft 45.67% = 23,083 successful putts but we've no idea how many of the 5,500 (ish) missed putts were from that range or from any of the other ones. And so on for the other distances..... 

    Another problem there often is with putting stats is that a large number of people maxed out rounds, to varying degrees, when there was that bug for XP.  Some even still do it believing they'll get good vem in an important round after.  If someone just hit a ball around on the fairway until they reached the max number of strokes that will distort things. It would count as a hole played and no putts taken.  I remember some stat's with a pph under 1 and that must mean in that category at least holed approaches would mean the same.  As you don't have a successful putt in the 0-5ft etc category the hole wouldn't count there so that may well be why there's a difference.

    To be clear I'm not saying you did any Maxing out, I think only 8 "others" strongly suggests you didn't.




  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 12:41 PM




    Apart the percentages in putting, you can take a look as well if the numbers of the putts correspond or at least make some sense, with the total albatrosses, eagles, birdies, pars, bogeys, double bogeys, and so on.

    A new person to try to explain to.  As you'll see I'm starting at the end as this bit is simplest.

    Counting your DE through to DB gives us 40,491 and that must mean you have played that many holes as you have to get one of these, and only one, at each hole.  Not that it matters, other than being reassuring that it divides by 9 to a whole number, but this = 4,499 nines.  How many rounds obviously depends on how many 18's are included. 

    You have played 50,543 holes which gives a pph of 1.24825, so that all seems to work out fine.   



    About the rest, read my next post please. It was a mistake from my part.


    As for the above, you totally lost me...We have the total putts. In my case are 50.543. If i sum everything (DEs, eagles, birdies etc, let's say that everything is a putt...not true, but for the sake of the hypothesis), i get a 40.491. It's an enormous difference....even considering the fact that many eagles or birdies have been made not with putting. So the total number is even lower.


    I didn't even know what max out is till today...


  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 1:32 PM

    Image result for mark twain it's better to remain silent  Samuel Langhorne Clemens


    Image result for mark twain it's better to remain silent


    Image result for mark twain it's better to remain silent

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 1:50 PM

    As for the above, you totally lost me...We have the total putts. In my case are 50.543. If i sum everything (DEs, eagles, birdies etc, let's say that everything is a putt...not true, but for the sake of the hypothesis), i get a 40.491. It's an enormous difference....even considering the fact that many eagles or birdies have been made not with putting. So the total number is even lower.

    You do occasionally take more than one putt.

    Total putts = 50,543 the sum of all the DE etc is 40,491 we agree that far.  But the latter does not give you anything to do with putts it gives the number of holes you played, as each hole has to be a DE or eagle or etc.  It involves differing numbers of strokes, including putts.

    If you then divide 50,543 (putts) by 40,491 (holes) you get 1.2482 and that's how many putts you take at each hole.  So if you really want the 40,491 to be the same as your number of putts you'd need to multiply it by your pph.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,284 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2021 2:03 PM

    Perfect. You are correct and i was wrong. So WGT is correct in all three categories. Thank you.