Clicking on the 'Golf Course' link shows each course and clicking on any of them you can see each hole and a description, but not the actual yardage.
I for one would find it immensely helpful.
I noticed this just yesterday. I thought it use to show the distance from each of the different tees where you were looking.
I did the same thing alosso mentioned to get the information I wanted from the scorecards, but even that was a pain. I thought each scorecard use to show the distance from all the tees, but I must be thinking of an actual scorecard, or perhaps "Flash" scorecards.
FuturaUK: I for one would find it immensely helpful.
Curiously: What for?
I was looking because I wanted to make as long of a course as possible for a custom course. I know a few courses by heart, but I don't have enough brain cells to remember them all. lol