Hi guys, I like the makeover you did to the club home page. Good job!
I have a clash request as a director in a level 19 club. Can you leave the clash results up on the board a little longer, say 24 hours? It gives me time to write up the clash recap to our club forum. Our clash participants LOVE to read up on the results, like the sports page, particularly the top ten individual performances, and who won long putts and long shots with the corresponding distances. I have trouble recording this data, because when each clash game ends, WGT immediately whitewashes some very important data. It becomes irrecoverable the moment the game ends. It's difficult to record these results, having to monitor for 48 straight hours, tuning in with just moments left in each of 11 games we play. I'm pretty confident that other clubs are interested in recording the same stats, but who can I get to stay up in the wee hours of the morning to do this? I'm lights out by 10PM. Thank you for the consideration of a little code writing, or email notification.
Best, Char