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An etiquette question

Sat, Jan 14 2012 9:18 AM (43 replies)
  • ffifer
    44 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2011 6:22 AM

    I don't like the quitters.. if they are not going to finish then don't start and leave that spot open for someone that really wants to play. Although I have to admit that I myself have quit a few times, but for reasons like unexpected company showing up at my door or for the most reason,,, I sometimes have a very slow connection (wireless broadband card) and I don't think it's right to make the other players suffer my slow loading time. But I do usually post a message and let the other players why I'm quitting and for the most part they understand.

  • OmegaManKFH
    113 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2011 11:57 AM



    Yeah etiquette is pretty rare on this game
    So Not!! true.Build up a nice friend list and your etiquette is assured,You cant say "Yeah etiquette is pretty rare on this game" when you play with people from around the world you havent met before,Get a friend list between 50 and 75 and you will enjoy 90 percent of your time here,

    agree 100%........or play with higher tier,players  they rarely quit,if they do 99%will tell you on your wall or message,......keep in mind sometime the player may not have quited



    Not all of us newer players will quit. But, if you all start playing only higher tier players, or just your friends on the list. Then, some of us newer people won't get too many games. My friends list is rather small. I try to create games and end up being rejected 90% of the time. That's a bit frustrating. The 2 people that have accepted my invitations and stayed are on my friends list.

    I don't want to limit my play to just those on that list. If I do so, it will never expand. Do ya hear me, brutha's and sista's? Give me a hallulujah!!

    I've walked on one game, due to the guy being a rude bastage. And that was before the first hole was even begun.

    I just spent the last 10 minutes trying to get a game by "Best Match". No takers. Is it my breath? The fact that I'm an American? Or fat? Is that it? Because I'm fat? lol  Give some of us a shot. I know most of you probably already have had bunches of quitters. I've had a few already too. But, I wanna play.

    Jeeez!! It wasn't like this when I played Links 2003. Most people were pretty cool. What happened to them?

    I won't quit on ya's.

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Tue, Dec 6 2011 1:00 PM

    I would join a Country Club.  Try adding some of the more active players in the club from reading the forum and checking out the tournament results.  I'm sure they will be more apt to add you if you are a member of their club and they will be more likely to finish games than randoms on WGT.  You may even learn a thing or two from them.

    Just my 2 cents.... 

  • OmegaManKFH
    113 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2011 6:33 AM

    I haven't been playing long enough to join a CC. I'm only a level 35 Pro, with a 77.71 handicap. Who let's people into their clubs that they don't know?  Who is going to take me? Who acccepts friend invitations from someone they don't know or haven't played?

    I think it's rather sad the way things are. You shouldn't have to "belong" to get a game. It seems most people don't remember when they started this game and are now snobbish. Poor attitude to have. 

    I agree, quitters suck. It's poor etiquette. But, is refusing a game to someone just because they are new any better? I don't think so.  What kind of community is this?

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2011 6:56 AM

    Hello and welcome to the jungle baby.

    Etiquette? IS that anything like Croquette? Sorry couldn't help it.


    I agree with the quitters suck. You will find good people to play with in time. Just keep playing and you will meet folks that are real nice on here. I know it's a bummer when people quit the games.

    it's like they take forever when they do shoot and you don't know if they have 'left' or have croked.

    Join a CC and get reliable friends that stay in the game.

  • OmegaManKFH
    113 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2011 7:44 AM

    As I stated, I don't feel I should need to "belong" to get a game. And, I don't want to get mixed up with people who have that mentality. If I'm not good enough to play "as is", then I'll never be good enough for a CC. Looks like I'm on my own. Thanks for enlightening me to the kind of people who play here. Best of luck to you guys.

  • DustyBalls
    41 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2011 7:59 AM

    I am a level 36 Tour Master and have been a member on WGT since '08. I just played a level 92 Tour Master in a practice round of Skins on St. Andrews. I don't get to come on WGT that much, so I thought it would be interesting to see what type of player a level 92 was, my mistake. I took the first 5 skins of the match and then, without warning, he quits. 

    Seen this far too many times. I laugh at the fact that this is just a game, a video game and people still find the need to bow out. Funny, isn't it ?

    I will keep playing for the sheer fun of the game. There will still be quitters, cheaters and whiners ... but I will keep playing. 


  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2011 3:22 PM


    Agreed with everything you said until the jab at Tiger. Never has he quit unless he was in pain and with the power he torques out. Can only imagine the pain on that knee.

    Wow can't believe the "Tiger bashing" is still in vogue---come on everyone. The man has paid personally and professionally for his indiscretions. Let's move on.


  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2011 3:56 PM

    The Man is a Golfing God, where he puts his Winkle is his business not ours.
