Ancora una volta gli italiani si distinguono...ecco il risultato...
DISQUALIFICATION - After much time spent Lou & I have made a decision to disqualified 2 players from this tournament in bombur & ernipagni. We have found that they both have abused the marking system by playing many games with each other and chose the round where one of them have shoot a low score and proceeded to assign the other as a marker ! You can all view their scorecards on page 191 and it's not difficult to come to the same conclusion as Lou & I ! I also found out that bombur also previously posted a scorecard on page 179 which he has now edited to give us a link to some nondescript site that has nothing to do with the scorecard that was their previously !
This is only the second time that I have seen a case where I've found players attempted or tried to cheat on the WGA Tour ! It's saddened me greatly to see that any players even think about cheating in any ways on here as I've put in a lot of time and effort to create an environment that is fun and encourages friendly competition as well as good sportsmanship. It's also a good place for any players to improve his game by playing in an atmosphere similar to the tournaments that WGT put on, which does not exist any where else on this site. Besides it's should be noted that this is all about playing golf, the game that we all love so dearly and the reason why we all spent so much time and even invest our hard earned money ! So I'd like to point out to anyone who cheats at this game that this Tour is not the place for you and you're definitely NOT welcome here !
Non avrei mai pensato che a qualcuno venisse in mente di barare a questo gioco, ma sono ancora più amareggiato scoprendo che, tra più di 1 milione di giocatori, gli unici due che si sono messi d'accordo per truccare un risultato sono miei compatrioti. Una volta di più confermiamo l'idea che che gli altri hanno di noi: inaffidabili, maneggioni e truffatori.
E' molto triste, mi piacerebbe che gli autori spiegassero il perchè, o si scusassero pubblicamente, ma non penso che lo faranno. Probabilmente apriranno un nuovo account o continueranno come prima.
Il proprietario del loro club farebbe bene a sbatterli fuori immediatamente.
Chiedo loro solo una cosa: barare per barare, si registrino con la bandiera nigeriana
Once again the italians make themselves known...this is the result... I would have never thought that someone would cheat at this game, and I feel even worse learning that, among over 1 million, the only two players who agreed to fix a game are countrymen of mine.
Once again we confirm the reputation we have abroad: unreliable, manouvrers and cheaters.
It's very sad, I'd like the authors to explain the reason, to excuse themselves, but I doubt they will do it. They'll probably open up a new account or just carry on.
The owner of their CC should kick them out instantly.
Just one thing I ask them: please open your next account with a nigerian flag.