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Boycott Coin Rooms & Turf War

Fri, Nov 15 2024 12:38 PM (28 replies)
  • weeble58
    186 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2024 11:31 PM

    As the proud owner of a new, small but motivated club, I am disturbed by the number of members complaining about Legends and above trolling the lower coin rooms for easy prey.

    my members work hard to earn those coins through personal goals etc to have them stolen by these parasitical scum. A tour Champion in Chelsea really? if you need coin that badly then buy it ffs.

    So I have told my members to boycott future TW, not to go into coin rooms, unless they wish to. Give these members a fighting chance WGT either ban the higher tiers or give them a +1 handicap, simple for you to do.

    I hope other concerned club owners/members will join this boycott. WGT will understand a loss of revenue far more than just complaints

    Weeble58  @ All 4 fun & Fun 4 all

  • kipdog87
    2,076 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2024 2:08 AM

    Hi, as much as can understand where you are coming from, but i think that you are going over the top with your name calling.

    WGT know what they are doing, so your boycott will have no effect, as many players will  always play and most know you take a chance when you enter a all tier competition or a tourney.

    Do not forget with the goals that WGT set up sometimes they what a club to play in "easy" coin rooms to attain the targets that they have set.

    Also in the T\W's every time a member plays it does add points to your XP total, ok not a lot unless it is their first game of the day, which is what lots of my members do.

    I hope that this might have opened your eyes to the overall big picture.



  • tramilleo
    1,913 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2024 6:24 AM

    You do realize that it is a computer game you are an owner of a virtual  country club. At the end of the day you own nothing wgt does. Your call for a boycott has been tried several hundreds of times over the years, you are wasting your time and emotions. Play the game for what it is or leave .........................

  • happynappy2
    22 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2024 8:27 AM

    I've been struggling lately, trying to improve in the cheap coin rooms. Played 6 games in a row in Chelsea against 4 legends, 1 tour legend and 1 champion. Wondered if something was up so I asked one of them. Said I needed some easy coins to buy better outfits. I agree maybe something should be done, not sure what.

  • callaghan159
    6,469 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2024 11:49 AM

    Legends and above trolling the lower coin rooms for easy prey.

    tour Champion in Chelsea really?

    if you need coin that badly then buy it ffs.


  • SamSpayed
    5,075 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2024 1:52 PM


    A tour Champion in Chelsea really? if you need coin that badly then buy it ffs.

    So I have told my members to boycott future TW, not to go into coin rooms, unless they wish to.

    I don't think you're going to win many TWs by playing in Chelsea.

  • BlackBogey
    657 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2024 7:49 AM

    So if WGT gives me a Daily/Weekly personal or club goal of winning a set number of games in Chelsea I'm just supposed to ignore that goal for fear of upsetting a lower skilled player?   Are you going to reimburse me for the items I miss out on by not achieving my goals because I wanted one of your members to get their participation ribbon?

    Maybe I shouldn't enter any 50/100 credit Tierless Bracket Tournaments either, because, well...who knows - one of your rookie members might want enter that too and it would be earth-shattering if they didn't win.  I mean after all, if I need credits I can just buy them ffs.

    Instead of coming on here crying, why not tell your members to practice more and get better, and that they might have to take some bitter losses along the way, just like those current Tour Champs had to do as they were putting in their dues and coming up through the ranks?

  • BlackBogey
    657 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2024 7:51 AM



    A tour Champion in Chelsea really? if you need coin that badly then buy it ffs.

    So I have told my members to boycott future TW, not to go into coin rooms, unless they wish to.

    I don't think you're going to win many TWs by playing in Chelsea.


    6,890 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2024 11:09 PM

    So I have told my members to boycott future TW, not to go into coin rooms, unless they wish to. Give these members a fighting chance WGT either ban the higher tiers or give them a +1 handicap, simple for you to do.

    I wonder if the members of your club that have voiced their complaint about this  have done so most often during a "Showdown"? Because as a Tour Champ, Champ TL ,Legend etc....WGT gives us no choice as to what rooms we play in.

  • bossbird
    2,269 Posts
    Tue, Aug 20 2024 10:14 AM

    I am a tour legend , I play in Chelsea , and have no qualms at doing so. Not playing as much as I used to , not as consistent as I used to be , not as serious about the game as I once was. I play in Chelsea for several reasons . A quick game with no pressure to do my sponsorships , no longer bothered about the coins , keeping my CDP going (tho not sure why ! Tomorrow will be 3000 days ) , and main reason is I can play where , when and how I want to , because it’s just a game. I have more than enough worries, pressures and concerns in real life , not to have to feel I can only play this game where I am told I can. 

    I rarely find opponents chatting during a game , if they say they need the coins I would gladly let them win , if they asked advice or wanted to know anything I would gladly help . If they need equipment or want to try a particular ball , advise them to communicate . Perhaps you could explain to your players , it’s only a game , it’s an opportunity for them to seek advice or recommendations from more experianced players. its not life and death , it’s just a game . Lesley