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Is I a cheater?

Tue, Jan 10 2012 4:04 AM (52 replies)
  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 12:35 PM



    What has a hazelnut in every bite?
    Thick milk chocolate for your delight?
    Nougat, caramel golden light,
    And don't forget a hazelnut in every bite.

    You gave it away in your post Mio. "Topic" a topic bar has a hazelnut in every bite.

  • gofbals
    178 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 12:50 PM

    chipping from the fringe is allowed ,chipping on the green is also allowed but it is frowned upon by me.never ever do you see a real golfer that is a tue champion as myself do such a thing.puttin green should be putters only .this i know because the great golf god has spoken to me and said so.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 1:01 PM

    a topic bar has a hazelnut in every bite.

    Eat both squares, please.  :-D

  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 1:19 PM

    this i know because the great golf god has spoken to me and said so

    I have seen Pro golfers, IRL use many different shots and clubs on the green, your god is a false god, lol.


  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 1:34 PM

    What Six, said ^^^^^


    To: SM and Mio...stay on topic.  lol

  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 2:04 PM

    Some years ago, after work I went to my golf club to play a competition.  I teed off and hit my second onto the green.  I then looked in my bag and to my horror I realised I had left my putter in the car; a couple of days earlier I had been on the practice putting green and when finished I just put the putter back in the car and not the golf bag.  Anyway, not knowing whether I could go back to get it, which I wouldn't have done anyway as I would have held up the other players in my group, I decided to putt with my driver.  It was a 9-hole comp and I scored 19 stableford points, equivalent to 1 under handicap (I was off 8 so played to 3 I think).

    Although it is a long club I much preferred to putt with the driver in those days rather than another club simply because it had the least loft (I think I used to use an 8 degree Callaway VFT driver in those days) and it was easier to 'sweep' the ball, giving me more feel.  The problem with using an iron was that the ball would jump in the air and you would get more backspin, therefore making the shot more inconsistent.  And if you try to 'blade' an iron you have to be pretty accurate, again making consistency difficult.  These days I would probably not use a driver as the heads are too big and so more cumbersome; I'd probably use a 1-iron instead (yes I still carry a 1-iron as it's one of my favourite clubs for driving on short par 4's and long fairway shots).  And I still don't carry, or even own, any hybrids.

    I have seen a number of professional players use a wedge on greens, some to putt, but some to actually chip.  I remember Paul Azinger I think breaking his putter over his knee one time (of many times probably) and used an iron to finish his round.  At the Riviera Country Club in California, the 6th hole has a bunker in the middle of a wide green...

    ... and I have seen players (professionals) chipping over it if they're on the wrong side to the flag.  Not sure what year it was, but I've also seen John Daly chipping on a green at St Andrews because of the undulations between him and the hole, and I think he might have even holed his shot.

    So, it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks the rule should be, the fact is any club can be used anywhere, even a putter off a tee, which is not as stupid as it sounds - the putter has the least loft and therefore can keep the ball low and will run (useful into wind).  Only problem is the shaft is very short and so distance will be lost.  And of course the depth of the clubface is so small that hitting the sweet spot becomes an issue.

  • gofbals
    178 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 3:13 PM

    its not a matter of rules.its just proper golf et ti ket.its like zen, ommm, one with the universe,i love my dodge truck.have traveled many lanes of the golf hiway,have slept with clubs, dreamed of golfballs flying thru the will never know the spirit of the golfball if you betray the very essence of properly hitting the ball as you should.There now leave me be please.

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 4:24 PM

    I got lost---right after  "it's not a matter of rules"..........oh well

  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 4:49 PM

    To: SM and Mio...stay on topic.

    Topics are good, but these days I actually prefer KitKats.  The chunky ones are best.  The biscuit is easier on the teeth than nougat!

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 11:05 PM


    I don't believe I've had the pleasure of having a Topic before. They sound good. Okay then, break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.