the majority of legends use the computer program that dings there hits spot on the meter every shot, havnt you all wondered why they shoot unrealistic scores day in day out. if only they did it occasionally we all might believe they just had a good day, lol, but no, they have to shoot 54 -56 everytime they play no matter what the conditions are. absolutly pathetic knobheads u bloody cheats.
I'll take it YJ,
First, auto clickers don't work on here. Why you may ask? Because they don't work on a "ding" basis.
First, you have to program the auto clicker by doing it yourself. That's the simple part. The difficult part? Each club has a different length of meter, and meter speeds. Auto click is about timing, not screen location. If your wedges have a slower swing meter than your driver, but faster than your putter, but slower than your are screwed. Ok, then, let's say for argument sake that all your clubs have the exact same swing speed, although you'd be hard pressed to find the R11 driver and Ghost putter on the same speed...the meters are different lengths.
My office uses auto click to test out new software, as it can run hundreds of thousands of times per day, without the need to have a human do it. I can tell you with out a shadow of a doubt, that WGT has done a wonderful job of mixing things up so that the usual game cheats can not be used.
Secondly, the notion that just because someone can do something that you can't automatically makes them a cheat is most definitely a crybaby response. Kobe Bryant can dunk a basketball, but I can't...that doesn't make him a cheat. There are different levels of success and we all have our own individual talents in life. I'm sure that there is something in your life that you are a true professional at, that the greats of this game would not be able to do in a million years.
My suggestion to you is to lighten up a little, have some fun, and enjoy your life...this game included. If you aren't the best, so's still a kick butt game. I just made Legend yesterday, and I'm enjoying the new challenges of it all. Relax man, after all, it's only life bro