How come when I ding the shot , almost every shot, I still get crummy results! Is it my crummy clubs? is it my crummy golfballs? Is my level got sumpin to do with it? what else am I doing wrong? what's with this VEM thing? do I get it more than others? maybe I need more credits! is there a bug in the system? is there a bug in my system? is there a bug up my you know what? am I stupid? am I ugly? am I both!!?? Am I cursed, hexed, bedeviled, having a nightmare, recently had a serious head injury, halucinating, or worse, maybe I'm just not as good as these other guys! No, it can't be all that stuff, It's gotta some kind cheating going on! Wait a sec, did I remember to clear my cache? Yep cleared it! So it's gotta be cheating, no other answer for this one!
If you sit back and go over something again and again, eventually you find something wrong or fishy or just not right. So in retrospect, when you think about it, theres some things that do seem fishy here on WGT. ask Yancy, he can tell you. But to be honest with all here. I myself, will sometimes sit back, after a shot goes awry, that should not have! I'll sit back and think to myself, how do the best players on here avoid such random mishaps. And truly can't come up with an answer for it, it's truly baffling. So with that in mind, some of the best on here should tell the rest of us how this is accomplished, if you share with all, the cries of cheating will stop! Forget that,....... you say?! Ahhhh... but here's the answer, it's right there in front of us. Sharing is caring! Truly this will never happen! we all know that, and no one will ever be blamed for keeping their competitive edge, nothing wrong there. And there's nothing to be gained by maybe winning a tourney now and then, such as a free trip to watch the U.S Open. Who wants to do that! Or maybe some free equipment, nahhhhh....... don't want any of that! That's just for those that think there's nothing but credits to be won on here. You'd think that the site was run by nothing but republicans................."not that there's anything wrong with that!" So sometimes when someone on here cries "cheat" we should all sit back and listen to what they've got to say! It can't hurt, can it? I don't think there's any cheating going on, but sometimes I do start wondering how the best on here do it, or, get away with it! Your choice there! All this I say with tongue firmly planted in cheek, because after all, it's a game. And some people are better at video games than others. Some people have more time to spend on here than others. Some people are more computer savy than others. Some people will stop at nothing to win and some people don't give a rats ass about other people what so ever! The major issue for WGT, is that the realism has left the building, gone, finito, bye bye, adios and see ya. The players on here that shoot these low scores have forced WGT to paint itself in a corner. Can't risk alienating our best players and must keep the status quo. There's a flaw there that WGT somehow missed, and that is the realism, I repeat... the realism. I'd be happy to shoot my real life score on here(low 90', high 80s), because what I find intriguing is the fact that on any given day I can play BPB or R St George or Kiawa or what ever on here. That....... my friends is the real attraction for WGT. Realism is key ladies and gents! Don't forget that! WGT needs to separate the video game jockeys from the once in a while players. Until then, these debates will go on and on and on. And then what?! I don't know! I don't care either! Although I would like to watch the U.S. Open with my own two eyes. For free, maybe even won here on WGT, because they have tourneys with level playing fields. HAHAHA, and monkeys will fly outta my butt. So maybe some will see now that the cries of cheat can go real deep here on WGT. And some are convinced that the game is rigged. Far from the truth, it's not rigged, there's no cheats and no software to help you shoot better, but, it;s flawed!! that's for sure! And in all fairness to every player on this site, something needs to be done. Just to make it more competitive, that would do more for this site than any other fix. Make it more competitive!
Aloha and Happy Holidays to all!