HanksterPar: With 704 posts in this forum, you either work here,
been here a year I play nearly every day. Always check out the forums and usually help those with swing meter probs or other things I am happy to help with.
Have made several DETAILED posts in the forums to help people get 'on' to surveys.
That equates to about 2 posts a day.. If i worked here, there would be MANY more I assure you, Deleting duplicate threads like this and providing links to existing threads with ALL the answers you seek.
Simple forum etiquette really , search before you post.. If you are used to forums, thats how they generally work.
Kindle2010: Survey tab here, just a joke, hasn't yielded one survey yet.
As Mr Caddie said, dont go to the 'Survey' tab stay on the 'offers' page. By all means visit the survey tab, but they only have a survey pop up from time to time.
Mr Caddie is lucky to have AMPARIO pay out everyday , in Australia it only offers a survey on Sundays. I am there every Sunday for my 450.
Kindle2010: suspect more players here don't get survey credits than those who do.
Well BAD news always makes the news. There are more threads started on 'surveys dont work' than there is on "Thank You TrialPay"
Time and perseverance,.an understanding of what the survey people are looking for.
If it is a survey about FLOUR are you going to be an 18y single male, working full time with no children or a 30+ Married Female, working pt time with 3 kids?.
However the 18y male is more likely to get into a survey about MOVIES than the Married 30yo Female.
Kindle2010: earn free credits, watch videos.
I dont bother with those.. what? watch 30 vids for 75 creds.. nah.
try this search for some more ideas