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Thu, Feb 16 2012 10:46 AM (84 replies)
  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2012 5:36 PM

    How is this sandbagging?

    What do you mean, how is this sandbagging? This is exactly what sandbagging is: You are avoiding playing ranked rounds, which is a way of manipulating your tier placement and misrepresenting your experience and ability.

    It's done a different way in real golf because it's a different system, but the effect is the same. You are using an unfortunate loophole to take advantage of honest players who are struggling to learn how to play without gaming the system. 

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2012 7:48 PM

    My last rounds of THIS year are good.. YES... CUS I DIDNT TEIR.. I LEARNED THE GAME... 

    Why didnt Tier me up to Master then if those are so MASSSter scores? I cant tier myself... silly buns.


    I have not played as NEARLY as many rounds of CTTHC as I was at before I got my culbs.. It takes to long to level doing that.. And they dont make you tier to begin with. I think your wanting to say "RINGER".... I can be a ringer in ALT games or no....? Whats the ruling on that one?


    We do get the same green.. Where we putt... SAME GREENS... I think you mean we dont get the same GREEN SPEEDS... This is true.. But not the end of the world. A MASTER or LEGEND should know how to play on all of them... right..? mhmmmm


    I will stand by what I said.. and WGT loves what I just said...

    "Stay a Hack until you get the level 90 TaylorMade R11 Full set. Just level with ALT game after ALT game."


    I just told you to buy the best clubs in their game...  Then Tier up after you master them..... 

    How is this a bad thing? lol.. 

    Did you want me to tell the guy to not level? and not go get the r11's? You people are silly.


    There this award for 10,000 ALT game wins... When am I allowed to start that mission? Do I have to be a tier of master to do it? ..... Just asking... 




    1,141 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2012 7:52 PM

    COME ON DUDE..... SKARDY CAT.... THE master TEE 'S are at least where the boy's tee off... once u reach level 80.. 

    man up..

    bak to bak 31's... hmmmm 


  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2012 7:53 PM

    It should have tiered me.... Right? I cant tier myself homie.

  • liam91
    3,130 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 8:35 AM


    play the ranked rounds and keep hitting -5,you will be tiered up in about 20 rounds or keep avoiding them and play the game your own way.

    i wasn't trying to call you ringer ,if i was i would have said so.

    you have broken no is the loophole in the game that is at fault

    to you your way is correct........i just like to play the game ,not the system


  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 3:39 PM


    .i just like to play the game ,not the system


    Im not even playing the game yet.. Im learning the game. 


    So far I learned.. Level up to get better clubs then tier up after you master your NEW clubs. 

    If thats beating the system then so be it.. 

     All clubs need a TIER of HACK.. to buy....  


    Can I ask how you would go about finding a better way to maximize total gross profit from tiering properly? Smart money makes money. 


    Im no more then 4 1/2 months old. I can only assume that if I had raced to Legend I would have been deemed a FAKE account aka a 2nd account.. Or just having talent. I doubt with the way you all are talking to me it would have been the 2nd option.. 


    Either way... This is my dollar.. Not yours.. Nor will it be yours.. and I feel its  in my best interest to level before tiering.

    This game is one of INCHES.... There for I WILL INCH my way to Legend.


    Have a good day Sir.

    1,141 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 4:13 PM

    buk ,,, buk... bucokkkkk..... :)

    .. just what ya want..i dont have to play ya.. 



  • liam91
    3,130 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 7:01 PM

    i have nothing else to say ,i suppose we will just have to disagree on this matter .as others have said \"i don't have to play you"

    have a good day yourself sir


  • upinsmoketour
    342 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 7:48 PM

    Are you for real ? Your telling this guy to be a SANDBAGGER ! & dont even try to hide it? Unreal ! Smokey,

  • MarkChef
    19 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 7:54 PM

    My milfshake brings all the boys to the yard...