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About Ranks

Thu, Feb 16 2012 10:46 AM (84 replies)
  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2012 9:07 AM

    Go Jake!


    Well put

  • peoch
    1,127 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2012 10:32 AM

    that guy isn`t nothing more then a SANDBAGGER (cheting some will say). and i agree. try to b and act like a real golfer

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2012 11:12 AM


    Go Jake!


    Well put

    SgtDoodles agrees with this

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2012 7:02 PM


    Hi i would like to know how to stop beeing a hack and become amateur? in what does the game bases for that? 



    Man, this thread has really evolved! I look at golf as a "self-integrity" type of mindset for me (i know that sounds cornball).

    "To thyn self be truth" I know it's a apple's & oranges analogy as far as wgt goes and my real golfin. We don't have an "end-round" or "start/over" button on the real course if we did I'd still be out there 10 hr rounds lol.

    I just play wgt for fun. I know it would piss me off if someone sandbagged me for a 1000 credits. I have bumped into guys/girls that just shallack me & my partner & I know they shoudn't have that equipment & still yet they haven't carded any rounds & piss around with TC's the other skins & what not.(i know, i flunked comp.101)

    But seriouly, some folks are really gettin pissed at wgt and I think  it's justified to get  pissed with sandbaggin and cheating.

  • brhthecarpenter
    333 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2012 8:19 PM

    brhthecarpenter agrees with jakes post , i like

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 5:25 AM

    How you ever played video golf? Jake.


    Its not real for one.. You cant take it to bed with you.. Thats the PC your taking. not the game..  You have the right to play this game as you see fit.. Thats  your right.. Thats my right.. If you think this is all about the RIGHT.. then your not even reading the conversation at hand.. Try again. Thanks...


    You sound like a DAD... Push push push get out and look dumb.. You will learn...

    Is that it?  


    lol.... Is that how you learn a game?  


    Maybe you.. But the other 51% need a little practice.. and as you say this IS REAL!! and should be played like REAL... then why are not practicing for 13 14 years then go play a tournament?  LOL...

    Pro after 5 months is like being a pro at 5 or 15..... lol.. which every way you look at it.. its still to early.. 


    You want some real advice ???

    YOU PLAY YOU!!!! 



  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 8:09 PM

    You sound like a DAD..

    Agreed, as you sound like a pubescent child that needs some fatherly advice.  I'll play my game and you play yours.  Great advice if you followed it and didn't make inane suggestions to other players.  You are a sandbagger whether you realize it or not.  Odds are you don't.  Manipulating the system so it doesn't promote you to the tier level you should be is by definition....sandbagging.  I really couldn't care any less how you carry yourself, but I do take exception when you suggest new players follow your same path.

    Yes you are correct, this is just a game.  Personally I carry myself with the same level of honesty and sportsmanship whether I'm playing Pick Up Sticks with my boys or a chess match against a world champion, as I did in collegiate athletics or playing a PGA Pro-Am.  Dignity should never be cast aside whatever your endeavor.

    So please do us all a favor and stick to your profound threads like..."Who will have the last word."  Now there's something you more than qualified for.

    You accuse me of not understanding the conversation while you're either too thick to understand the countless posts who all tell you it's sandbagging, or you just like stirring the pot for some sort of cheap rush.  Do what you want, how you want, but I hope as you mature through your teens you gain a bit of perspective and wisdom.

    Feel free to speak your peace, as you undoubtedly can't resist having that oh so valuable (to you) last word, but I've said mine. 

    Over and out.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 12:37 AM

    Your not even on subject and your telling me Ima child..  Your a grown ass man talking about life in a golf thread about Ranks.. 

    Did your wife not allowe you the TV remote last night? Got stuck watching Lifetime.. again....... 


    Fall back, Son.


    *DJ Request* Everyday they will test you.

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 4:16 AM


    I was just glad to hear you say there are two ways to play this game.

    It is a pity that's all you managed to take from my post and not the principals of fair play that apply not only to golf be it on this site or otherwise but also to life in general.

    Your not even on subject and your telling me Ima child..  Your a grown ass man talking about life in a golf thread about Ranks.. 

    Jakestanfill is highly respected on this site and has been here for quite a while. He is on the subject because you decided on this forum to openly encourage another player to do exactly what is against the principals of this game.

    As Jake said, you do your own thing in your own time but do not promote it on this forum as you open yourself to fair comment.  By the way, your user name leaves alot to be desired.

    Happy leveling........


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 6:22 AM

    How is this sandbagging

    Im not playing for money... Or credits... Im playing to learn... I dont think anyone is sandbagging if this is the case... Learning to play is not a FELONY. 

    You are correct.  It is not sandbagging if you aren't playing tournaments with credit prizes at all (including the free ones), and if you continue to do so until you have learned and tiered to Legend.  If at any time prior to that, you decide to play tournaments with credit prizes (including MPCs, Skins, RGs, free weeky's, etc.), then you become a sandbagger.

    Pretty simple.  Play ranked rounds and if you are in a CC that offers free tournaments with no credit prizes, play those as well.  Play practice rounds.  Play alt shot for fun.  However, if you play anything that has any more for a prize than a trophy and a 'Good job!', you're sandbagging.