Yeah no kidding. They're shutting down roads all over the state. There was a building collapse in Lancaster (20m from me) and there were still some people inside. We're not prepared to deal with this much snow AND 40-50mph winds on top of it (that part comes later yay).
Down in Delaware where my wife is from her old elementary school collapsed along with about 5 other buildings. It's really bad. =(
Cool-d pics, Niv. Hang in there! :)
Here's "aftermath" video of the 50 car pile-up . I guess the news crew just happened to be there when it happened. Raw video doesn't show much, but the commentary is interesting.
I checked-out the other two "jam cam" videos that are offered there. It IS AMAZING that so many people would be out in this crap on the Interstate, but I guess if you need to be... and "white-outs" occur so spontaneously...
We've "only" got another 4-5" additional since round two started last night, with another 4-5" more coming with the windage later today. Yes... it's gettin really bad.
Part of the "Smithsonian" collapsed?