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New Level for Low Average Legends

Tue, Mar 27 2012 11:34 AM (84 replies)
  • JayCollier
    68 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 6:45 AM

    In looking at some of the WGT tourneys I am having my thoughts solidified concerning Legends who shoot in the mid 20's in a nine hole event, and mid 50's for 18 holes.  This is getting a little ridiculous I think.  That means they are averaging 2.77 or rounded to 2.8 strokes per hole.  I am not sure how this is accomplished but why do the rest of us have to compete with the pinball wizards of computer golf.  A person can only play so much feeling like they are defeated before they tee off and eventually I would think they would look elsewhere for their enjoyment, I know I am looking and like some of what I see out there.

    Hey!  WGT, maybe it's time to divide the troops and create some new ranks.  Super Legends or High Stratosphere Legends.  Or (insert suggestion here).

  • pudge53
    19 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 6:50 AM

    I agree completely....been here long enough...feel like I'm getting ripped off with every entry I go into...NEVER AGAIN...

    Sour grapes...probably, but too bad. It's how I feel and thats that. I've quit everything....

    WGT - enough of the rip-off....Bye bye!

  • hpurey
    11,510 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 6:53 AM

    Me personally,,,,I don't blame those elite players, nor do I blame WGT for the game being "too easy".   In fact, if the game is so easy then why doesn't everyone shoot those low scores.


    I blame myself, no one else.  And I think it is lame to blame anyone else because I can't shoot those low scores myself.


    I do the smart thing, and avoid the RG tourneys since I know my game play doesn't stand a chance.  But by no means does that mean this game cannot be fun.

  • Cleworthy
    3,468 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 7:21 AM

    I don't blame those elite players

    I didn't feel he was casting any blame here - just frustrated at not being ably to compete with the best players - i.e. level playing field?  However, I disagree with him that there needs to be another level above "legend".  Most people are here primarily to have a good time and enjoy some friendly competition.  I don't mind measuring myself against an elite player once in a while (and probably getting pounded) but if your primary goal is to earn credits through tourneys and can't competitively compete, well, maybe rethink what you are doing.  C

  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 7:35 AM

    I have to agree w Hpurey here, if your game is not up to the standards needed to compete in RG's, then find another way to compete and enjoy the game. There is the WGTLS, CC tourney's, weekly and monthly free tournaments among others.

  • hpurey
    11,510 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 7:51 AM


    I don't blame those elite players

    I didn't feel he was casting any blame here -

    I didn't think so either,  but I changed my wording a bit just to show that's how I feel.

  • adramforall
    194 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 7:59 AM

    It happens at all grades though, not just legends.

    Maybe introduce interim levels for each grade, such as 

    Legend 1st class  Average 55 or under

    Legend 2nd class Average 55-60

    Legend 3rd class Average 60-65

    Legend Newbie Average 65+

    Doing this at all grades would give you more targets to aim for, would allow WGT to introduce more RG tournaments that lower rated individuals within each grade would be more likely to enter, knowing they have more of a chance to win/place.

    You have to wonder how many people don't enter RG's because they know at the outset they have literally no chance of doing well.

  • Cleworthy
    3,468 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 8:17 AM

    Maybe introduce interim levels for each grade

    Yeah and we could have virtual sashes on our players that show our various levels and classes, with oak leaf clusters and battle ribbons...

  • kam4122
    1,695 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 8:22 AM

    People complain about the low average legends, want greater handicapping, longer tees for the top guys etc, but I ask you, what is worse, a guy who plays to his average, has his score history there for all to see, or the guy who started a new account and is playing with legend experience, off the short tees with the very best equipment and avoiding ranked rounds so they dont move up.

    I am kind of confused why people complain about the RG's, it is simple to go look at closed ready go results from the home page, look at the kind of scores that made a return on the entry fee and make an informed decision, based on your own score history and ability, as to whether you should play it or not.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 8:25 AM


    Me personally,,,,I don't blame those elite players, nor do I blame WGT for the game being "too easy".   In fact, if the game is so easy then why doesn't everyone shoot those low scores.


    I blame myself, no one else.  And I think it is lame to blame anyone else because I can't shoot those low scores myself.


    I do the smart thing, and avoid the RG tourneys since I know my game play doesn't stand a chance.  But by no means does that mean this game cannot be fun.

    i TOTALLY disagree , I think that somehow the game plays to the player. I am not disrespecting anyone.