Who knew Glen Beck was into WGT? Extremism at its finest.
It,s people like you i find the most extrem. You will say i am extremism because i choose not to look away .i know i can lay down at night & get up in the mornings & look my kids & grand kids in the face. i have brought them up in church taught them to respect there elders & never take GODS NAME IN VAIN. Well sir if that is extremism for wanting my kids to respect GOD & COUNTRY THEN SO BE IT,but please remember you have the freedom today & the right to do the things you do because of people like me who put there lives on the line for you to be safe.I LOVE MY LORD & SAVIOUR & WILL LEFT HIM UP IN PRAISE TO ALL ..... AMEN!!
Well I wasn't going to get too into this but i guess the can of worms is open. I'm going to start off by declaring that I am neither Democrat or Republican. Politically, I am more of a Constitutionalist, and religiously I am Agnostic. I recognize that the word God or Creator is used multiple times in our Constitution, National Anthem, and Pledge of Allegiance.
I am also a Gulf War and Kuwaiti Freedom Veteran. I spent 6 years serving this country and am proud of every minute of it.
That said, we have a clear separation of Church and State in this country. You may pray all you like, except in our schools. School is for the education of our youth. It is for teaching facts, not opinions, and religions are clearly opinions. What you do on your own time is your own business, but in schools you are on all of our times. You must understand that not all people believe as you do, and they should get the same respect as you. So you want politicians to keep prayer in schools. What about the children who are of different religions, or have no religion at all? Is it fair to them? If you wish to have your child pray in school, then send your child to a Christian school, or home school your child. You have the freedoms to do this because of our most awesome country.
I respect your faith, no doubt about it. You believe in something that you can't see, touch or hear. You believe in something that has zero chance of ever being proven. That takes a special kind of courage in my eyes...and a courage I'm not willing to posses. I'm not trying to tear down Christianity. It's a great religion with a lot of good morals that should be lived by. I am attempting to build up respect for all people...because we have them all here.
On the heels of this, I will say also that I am no fan of Obama. He's made some huge mistakes in my opinion...from Healthcare to the pipeline to Libya. But to say that he's out to destroy America and remove God from your life is borderline Extremist. The shoe fit and I call it like I see it. Anyone who won't see the point of view of others is, by definition, extreme.
So in the words of Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along"