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Using Irons on the green

Mon, Apr 30 2012 7:49 AM (57 replies)
  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 10:56 AM



    Perhaps WGT could have tutorial on how to chip on the greens then to make it fair for everyone.




    Why not work it out for yourself like the rest of us have.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 11:00 AM

    Folks who overuse this shot, when they could be improving their ability to hit long putts, are not doing themselves any favors - in the long run (no pun intended).

    Their choice, of course - nothing unfair about it.

  • barry38372
    55 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 11:27 AM

    i found out the flop helps alot ,but,if you do it on short shots you have to have a touch for it

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 2:51 PM

    It's not how.....merely how many.

    If someone wants to putt with a rusty old garden rake, I could really care less, provided that a rusty old garden rake is a legal club for the shot.  Other than that.....fill your boots.

    224 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 8:28 PM

    ..  I love these people who say it's legitimate n within the rules of real golf,,, then why not allow 'chipping' n 'flopping' on the greens as well.. .. 

    .. Its true though, those who do 'punch' obviously do so cos' they either cant putt, cant be bothered working out the equation.. ..  or are simply illiterate..................!

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 9:19 PM


    ..  I love these people who say it's legitimate n within the rules of real golf,,, then why not allow 'chipping' n 'flopping' on the greens as well.. .. 

    .. Its true though, those who do 'punch' obviously do so cos' they either cant putt, cant be bothered working out the equation.. ..  or are simply illiterate..................!

    I can Putt, well most of the Hitting a full shot on the green is also good too, in my silly way of thinking. eg, in the Valley of Doom on the 2nd at St.A

    In Real Golf it's a no-no... cause we always damage the Green. This is a Great Golf Game that allows us all to use anything we choose :) and good luck to everyody that uses this shot too...



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 9:28 PM

    I "love" those ppl who feel superior to others who do things different from them. Those ppl lack of phantasy and creativity, philistines IMO.

    In WGT, you can't point to the Rules of Golf - it's the program which rules. Otherwise we might demand the choice of the dropping point after a water shot - there are examples of bad lies forced by WGT.

    The point is, the program doesn't give this choice. It also punishes driver usage on the fairway more than IRL. It allows for punches on the green but not for chips et al.

    This ain't golf, this is an online computer game. Different rules and etiquette apply.

    You can bet your bottom credit that I (and others) will use all the shots which work to better our scores. Objections are futile.

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sat, Apr 21 2012 4:03 AM

    putting on the greens is SACRED in my eyes,

    learn to read the greens instead of using your chip to save ya bacon on a bad approach shot.

    bet the pros who do it are talked about on the 19th too.

    its just not cricket!!!

  • BigArnL
    851 Posts
    Sat, Apr 21 2012 5:04 AM

    If on the fringe,I chip away, if its on the green, I am bound by putter.I see nothing wrong with it, but I know its happened that a golfer must use what he has to work with to better his or her game,and I remember a pro who got to the course only to find his putter missing, he had to substitute, in doing so a chipper came into play.Folks, the complaining, of so many, who really do it just to satisfy an urge @ the moment of loss, is really weak.Not saying that happened here, but it stands to reason, you play to lessen strokes,I say chipping & putting around the green,or on.. is just that. 

    Oh &gOOdgOlfin'2Ya!

  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Sat, Apr 21 2012 5:38 AM

    This subject seems to come up every 2 or 3 months, and has been discussed in depth. Using a full shot or punch shot with a wedge on the green is a legal shot both in real golf and on WGT. It can be a very useful tool to save par, but is difficult to execute for birdy. 

    You purists out there can stop complaining, because the powers that be will not change the rules to suit you.