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Using Irons on the green

Mon, Apr 30 2012 7:49 AM (57 replies)
  • promark1
    412 Posts
    Fri, Apr 27 2012 3:44 PM

    sorry i meant chipping

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Apr 27 2012 10:05 PM


    sorry i meant chipping


    Why do you think so - limited to WGT?

    - care of the green? - no bothering in electronic reality

    - care of the rules? - they allow it, and the WGT programmers as the committee allow it, too.

    - care of golfers' virtues and sportsmanship? - not applicable as said before.

    What else?

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Sat, Apr 28 2012 4:11 AM


    This subject seems to come up every 2 or 3 months, and has been discussed in depth. Using a full shot or punch shot with a wedge on the green is a legal shot both in real golf and on WGT. It can be a very useful tool to save par, but is difficult to execute for birdy. 

    You purists out there can stop complaining, because the powers that be will not change the rules to suit you.


    These aren't purists, they're  fricken babies. Even the OP says maybe he would use the shot if WGT posted a tutorial on it. Here's a clue for him, practice it yourself, like we did.


  • Pilly40
    28 Posts
    Sat, Apr 28 2012 4:51 AM



    I guess this is the shot everyone is going on about to justify the legalities of the shot, I have search the whole of the WWW and can only find this one shot, as you can see from the film it is imposable for Phil to reach the hole without using a wedge, in this circumstance I appreciate someone might want to use the shot, but as long has the player has a clear view of the hole then it should not be used.

    Point is why do WGT bother making the greens as realistic as possible with the full contours of the greens, why not just make them flat, reason is to make the golf play as realistic as possible, which means 99% of the time people should use there putter.


    People have said, I should go and play real golf or learn the shot, I have learnt the shot, BUT DON'T USE IT and I have been playing real golf for 30 years and have never in all that time seen the shot used in real golf.


    Like I said before people only use the shot because its easier than using the putter any other justification apart from this is just BS



  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Sun, Apr 29 2012 1:16 PM

    All these people bitching about it, made me think it was something I should learn, ha, ha.

    So, I've tried it a handful of times when I figured it wouldn't be worse than a putt.

    And last night, wahlah -

    It's interesting to note, that while it does count as a putt on the scorecard, it doesn't count as your longest putt, neither for the round or career.

    But that one did count as an Eagle!

  • live4golf66
    24 Posts
    Sun, Apr 29 2012 2:13 PM

    You "bitchers" kill me...  It's just a frikin video game!!!  Cmon, get over it. People can play and do as they want on this site!!  You don't like it move the ---- on..  WOW...


  • Infinitebaffle
    26 Posts
    Sun, Apr 29 2012 8:59 PM

       I don't know why many players have a problems with other players using a club other than a putter on the green. This is a video game, not real golf. The USGA or the PGA does not make the rules here. This game was designed so people can have fun. I have payed plenty to participate in this video game, and I have fun. If I want to chip a ball that is 3ft from the hole, I do it. There are no physical repercussions from this. It is just fun, which every player that plays this game should be having. I have read a book called, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff". This is how everyone should live, especially when they are playing WGT. There are going to players that you will not get along with, just let it go, and be kind. Frankly, I am surprised that this topic even made it to the forum. I don't even care if a player wants to repeatedly hit their balls into the water. It is a video game folks, it's gonna happen.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 7:49 AM

    ith other players using a club other than a putter on the green. This is a video game, not real golf. The USGA or the PGA does not make the rules here.
    FWIW, the R&A / USGA rules don't have a problem with chips on the green. See the video of Phil Mickelson.