Hi all I hope you all had a pleasant Christmas and hope your holidays are blessed
I want to thank WGTICON for removing the add secondly I would like to thank Yankee Jim for the add block link.
I just wanted to say here that as a bi-vocational Pastor that works part time in our local school system, and also a former combat vet that spent some time in the "meatgrinder" that in real life this issue is completely complicated as to solutions as I can see at least 3 different levels of this real life issue and all the suggestions so far on how to resolve this real life issue arent going to work as well they think it will , in any of their scenarios.
I never meant this post to be a politcal platform and I see it dividing the community here in WGT as I see it dividing our country and I am truly sorry that it has.
I pray for the families who have suffered through this and also pray that we as Americans can come together in this time of sorrow.