Extremely. In case you've been living under a rock, the US is in mourning for 20 children and 6 adults that were gunned down by a douchebag with a machine gun.
No reason to become personal Jim. I regret that you don't answer to my arguments.
I understand that you take it as tasteless to break into such mourning.
Be sure that I mourne with the victims of this and any other crime and with their families.
Alas, it's not the first and not the second time that such a tragedy happened in a school, and the total number of shotgun killings in your country (30 * 365 days by a number of 2005 that I found) puts it into a shockingly level relation to the society's reality.
Therefore and IMHO, it would be of no use to postpone such ad. May I say, it's beyond matters of respect with the mourning families?