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complete lack of taste

Wed, Dec 26 2012 9:09 AM (57 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 3:40 PM

    As for the ad, tasteless? Most likely yes. Shocking? Perhaps shock is the only thing that can actually wake people up and realize things need to change. But they definitely had the worst sense of timing I've seen lately.
    Agree to the shock thing. And with that, the moment of biggest shock may be the most striking time - if it was intentional.

    Alas, it has been enough of stir-up from abroad. May the victims rest in peace and their bereaved find comfort eventually.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 3:47 PM

    Please People ,   It looks like Icon  Fixed that add as I have not seen it since his reply .

    We are all Brothers and Sisters here in WGT land , And we should NOT be going at each others this way . 

    Dear Santa , All I want this year is for ALL of us to get along in the forums for just one day.

    OPY   iaaRFt

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 4:05 PM


    Blooming hell.

    So, one of the adults wasn't a parent. Is that small inaccuracy something to burn Jim at the stake for.


    Perhaps, something like - actually 1 of the adults wasn't a parent, or letting it slip by, may have been more appropriate.

    Jim's sentiment was spot on. And let's not turn this tragedy into an excuse of bickering or point scoring.



    Well Said Peter.  I agree.

    Lets all just take a deep breath here. It's no use to bicker at each other over just a slight error typed in a post, but the main thing what Jim said was pretty spot on.

    I have not seen the Add, because I have Addblock,  but by the sounds of it... the add was one made to shock people to try to change their way of thinking about gun control.

    Sorry if I was incorrect in what I said.

    What happened at that last school shooting shocked the world. 20 children and six adults died... 20 babies.

    Any add that will shock people to rethink their stance on gun control and to try to stop this type of shocking thing happening again is a good one.

    Edit....   * their stance on gun control'


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 4:16 PM

    Now you can quit posting the link to this thread on my wall so to make sure I see it.

    I've never posted anything on your wall, in fact I've never even met you before.

    I'm sorry that you can not put our differences behind you, but my offer of friendship was real

    mrcaddie called me out for something I said. I was wrong as one can be. I did not realize ONE of the adults was not a parent.

    Here is Lauren Rousseau's obituary.....also childless, Thats two.

    My original point was.....don't post gossip, and not only did you do it once, you did it twice, especially when it comes to this.

    Don't count on it.

    That's fine with me.....I have always wished for the day when "YJ" would be on my friends list, but no problem.

    I made a simple request, that you get your facts straight. Your facts were wrong, and you continued to perpetuate them even after given proof that not once, but twice, that you're wrong.

    I no longer wish to add you to my friends list and it's tragic that you used this horrible event as a backdrop to try and prove your point.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 4:24 PM

    I will also say too......

    I hope Wgt doesn't lock this post..

    This type of post is a great debate we all have to have.....  so lets keep it friendly at least :)


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 4:56 PM


    Thank you for stepping in.

    Yankeejim and another player made some  very callous remarks about the hurricane we endured a few months back, and a lot of us in the Northeast  have not forgotten it. I will link you the thread when I find it., if you would like.

    Tonight he made some false statements concerning the Newtown shootings and I corrected him. When I did, he tried to justify his mistakes, that's all.

    My apologies for jacking this thread.


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 6:24 PM

    The 6 adults were all parents


    You have the audacity to post crap on my wall when I clearly proved you wrong?  WOW!

    You clearly have a problem.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 6:37 PM



    Thank you for stepping in.

    Yankeejim and another player made some  very callous remarks about the hurricane we endured a few months back, and a lot of us in the Northeast  have not forgotten it. I will link you the thread when I find it., if you would like.

    Tonight he made some false statements concerning the Newtown shootings and I corrected him. When I did, he tried to justify his mistakes, that's all.

    My apologies for jacking this thread.


    No Apologies needed for jacking the thread and I don't think you need to bring up bad blood on previous posts and no offence to you. We all fell the pain. Jim's not a bad bloke and he might say something others don't like sometimes... I know, I have

    The latest school shooting has caused too much anger all across the world... too much anger meaning..... No More Pls. You, Me, We... are losing too much young people in these type of shootings.

    I'm sorry if the OP found distaste at the adds... but if that Add sickens people to say...... Enough is Enough and No More....  that will be great :)




  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 7:59 PM

    Lock it up, Pepperoni.  This thread has become an embarrassment to both WGT and the 26 dead.  People are dead and we are still letting our egos run amuck?  Really?

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 8:03 PM

    Please dont drink and drive .
