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complete lack of taste

Wed, Dec 26 2012 9:09 AM (57 replies)
    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 5:59 AM

    So basically WGT is snooping into your computer and using your personal info for ads ?


    It's not the WGT who is doing that. It's the company that's providing ads and banners.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 11:55 AM

    I've never posted anything on your wall, in fact I've never even met you before.

    Posted on my wall 12/22......

    mrcaddie sent you the following message:

    Subject:Hey YJ


    Posted on my wall same day and deleted...

    mrcaddie sent you the following message:



    You are even more immature than I thought by posting on my wall.

    "6 Adults were parents" you said. You're wrong!

    I said 2 were not....wanna prove me wrong?

    Let's bring this to the forums and decide who is right.


    E-mail notifications of wall posts. Move on, little one, you're embarrassing yourself and making a mockery of a tragedy.

     Shame on you.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 12:09 PM


    So basically WGT is snooping into your computer and using your personal info for ads ?


    It's not the WGT who is doing that. It's the company that's providing ads and banners.

    I go through this with someone everytime..I know you guys want to back WGT up but the bottom line is this.....

    Ask yourself this .....Whos website am I on when getting these ads and such ?

    I am not clicking on 3rd party links from within WGT's website so it doesnt matter who posted the banners and ads the fact is, it is on WGT's website !

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 12:26 PM

    to think this thread would never would have been started

    if the 'ad blocker' extension woulda been used.....

    just typin

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 12:43 PM


    to think this thread would never would have been started

    if the 'ad blocker' extension woulda been used.....

    just typin

    True that but WGT basically needs to do a better job on what they do and dont allow since many people visit this site and shouldnt have to worry about using an adblocker or not.

    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 4:55 PM


    I go through this with someone everytime..I know you guys want to back WGT up but the bottom line is this.....

    Ask yourself this .....Whos website am I on when getting these ads and such ?


    It's not my intent to "back WGT" here, all I'm saying is I'm getting just about the same ads on most websites I go to. The providers obviously know my IP and gather information via cookies etc. and subsequently bombard me with what they think are my interests. It has nothing to do with the actual owner of the site, but I have to agree with you, it might be time to change this "rent out space without supervision" policy all sites seem to have.

  • axstrat
    415 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 9:07 PM

    Hi all  I hope you all had a pleasant Christmas and hope your holidays are blessed

    I want to thank WGTICON for removing the add  secondly I would like to thank Yankee Jim for the add block link.  

    I just wanted to say here that as a bi-vocational Pastor that works part time in our local school system, and also a former combat vet that spent some time in the "meatgrinder" that in real life this issue is completely complicated as to solutions as I can see at least 3 different levels of this real life issue and all the suggestions so far on how to resolve this real life issue arent going to work as well they think it  will , in any of their scenarios.

    I never meant this post to be a politcal platform and I see it dividing the community here in WGT as I see it dividing our country and I am truly sorry that it has.

    I pray for the families who have suffered through this and also pray that we as Americans can come together in this time of sorrow.


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 9:09 AM

    Bumped original...not the place to air need for gun law revision but read whats happening with purchases and xmas gifts for kids in the sad.

    Agree with Op's last post