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complete lack of taste

Wed, Dec 26 2012 9:09 AM (57 replies)
  • angelsgolfing
    211 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 8:30 PM

    Guys please it don,t matter how jim stated it he didn,t mean anything i don,t think, & mc let it go who really cares what you or jim said, the sad fact is 20 babys & 6 adults who all had familys are gone. there familys are going thru the worst thing they will ever go thru, i know i loss my oldest son in 03 so for the love of GOD please both of you shut up ty 

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 10:11 PM


    Keep in mind this isnt physically posted by WGT 

    They sell the space, the advertisers, fill the content.

    Thats not totally true otherwise their would be pornography. WGT loves to pass the buck but bottom line is this ...Its their site and therfore must take full responsibility for all that happens on it . The question is who is in charge of over seeing the 3rd party people who buy this space and who looks at the content before it is paid for and posted.

    They dont just sell the space and turn the other cheek. That is illegal.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 3:55 AM

    My Goodness WGT,,

    PLEASE! Hire new MODERATORS. To let this post continue the way it did as long as it did fits the title perfectly - "Complete lack of taste". BUT - The title should actually read - "WGT - A terrible choice of moderators". 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 4:26 AM

    Any arguments for your claims?

  • roaddawgstyle
    305 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 4:57 AM



    Keep in mind this isnt physically posted by WGT 

    They sell the space, the advertisers, fill the content.

    Thats not totally true otherwise their would be pornography. WGT loves to pass the buck but bottom line is this ...Its their site and therfore must take full responsibility for all that happens on it . The question is who is in charge of over seeing the 3rd party people who buy this space and who looks at the content before it is paid for and posted.

    They dont just sell the space and turn the other cheek. That is illegal.

    I think you are wrong, the ads go up instantly based on your browsing history, a  while back I was looking into drill sharpening machine online and when I came on the WGT 5 minutes after  every ad was for the drill doctor.


  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 5:35 AM

    Didn't see the ad here, but it sounds like the same one I saw via the Washington Post. I can't say it's in poor taste, but rather addressed to gun violence and the creepy love of guns which together are wrecking America. There may be some strange twist to the ad (which I did not investigate further) as I noticed it was called Mayors Against Illegal Guns, whereas the problem America has is all the legal guns. In terms of playing the ad on WGT, the problem with the ad is that it is political and therefore does not suit the terms & conditions for WGT. We need to keep politics out of the forums, but also out of the banner ads.

    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 7:11 AM

    Thats not totally true otherwise their would be pornography

    I am sure in their agreement with the advertisers there are T's & C's which cover that as well as other things like religion/ politics.





  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 10:16 AM




    Keep in mind this isnt physically posted by WGT 

    They sell the space, the advertisers, fill the content.

    Thats not totally true otherwise their would be pornography. WGT loves to pass the buck but bottom line is this ...Its their site and therfore must take full responsibility for all that happens on it . The question is who is in charge of over seeing the 3rd party people who buy this space and who looks at the content before it is paid for and posted.

    They dont just sell the space and turn the other cheek. That is illegal.

    I think you are wrong, the ads go up instantly based on your browsing history, a  while back I was looking into drill sharpening machine online and when I came on the WGT 5 minutes after  every ad was for the drill doctor.


    So If I surf porn sites those are gonna pop up ? So basically WGT is snooping into your computer and using your personal info for ads ?

    Its ok to think I am wrong but I know better .

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Dec 24 2012 10:18 AM


    Thats not totally true otherwise their would be pornography

    I am sure in their agreement with the advertisers there are T's & C's which cover that as well as other things like religion/ politics.





    But like I said someone has to oversee this to make sure those rules are being followed before it goes up on the site no ?

    Only WGT knows and they dont seem interested in enforcing rules in this forum at times so yes I guess that makes sense they dont do it for their advertisers either . :)