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Re: How many CC's does an average player join in a WGT Career?

Thu, Apr 10 2014 7:54 AM (43 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Thu, Apr 10 2014 5:21 AM

    The funny thing is I have been in several CC's and whilst I don't remember their CC names, what I do remember is the owners names, because without fail, everyone one of them has been generous to a fault with me.

    I don't know why, but they know who they are and I want them to know I appreciate what they have done for me, good guys all of you..

    3 Cheers for CC owners

  • craigswan
    32,171 Posts
    Thu, Apr 10 2014 5:32 AM

    I joined my first one 2 or 3 years ago . It was called charlee's angels . The owner was a beautiful blue eyed blonde and i had many an intimate conversation with her until she was exposed as a man . I thought it was funny but many other's on here went crazy .

    I joined my 2nd one when some of us broke free when charlee was shut down and we have stayed together ever since .

    But i do think the fee's of $10 a month are a bit cheap . We should raise them to keep out the riff raff .

  • cappy11
    1,173 Posts
    Thu, Apr 10 2014 7:18 AM

    + Bump

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Apr 10 2014 7:54 AM

    I joined,a CC  my fisrt month here on WGT 3+ years ago , then  i saw there was a Club for French speaking members of WGT world wide based in my province of Quebec,joined them been there since ,made it my family got involved , sometime to much ..... got experience in what to say ,how to act , i started an Am  now a Legend hope TL to be ,I told all my club members  the day i become TL i would leave the club ,and start one of my own .  Not because i got tierd , but the club has so many Leg and TL always to capacity 250 members , best i can do is to give what i have received from a best Franco CC on WGT for the last 3 years .....  My club will be smaller and open to all Nation and i hope i will be  an owner like the one we have in our club .                       To all  and to finish my post,  i would not be where i am if it was not for a Country Club with great members and great owner , i recomend to all  that have not joined a club yet  to do so, best WGT classes and courses you will ever join . Francois (Frapp) .