Not in a CC at the moment but I think I've been in 4 in the past 4 years.
1. The United Nations CC - great CC at the time for me. Lots of decent chaps with a wide variety of ongoing events. Different owner now in Jimmy (Twominusone). Hope all's going well over there mate.
Still have this on file LOL!
2. The Supercool World Champions
Owned by a chap by the name of SgtDoodles(?) at the time - seem to recall Sarge had a bit of a meltdown on the main forums and seemed to disappear. Don't know if he'd taken umbrage to my 'artwork'.
3. The English Lakes CC
Wasn't there very long as the forums (at the time) were a tad too quiet for me - recall being handed my a$$ a few times by Mr. Kennedy. Also remember the generosity of Ally and others with regards to tournament prizes etc.
4. Bridgestone CC
Fantastic place where I've, hopefully, made a few real genuine friends.
Mr. Ricker was the original owner, now run (ably assisted by Cygnus & a few others) by Moosetaya.
I'd definitely recommend the place to anyone looking for a new home, particularly to those just starting out.
There may well have been another CC somewhere in my distant past on here - can't remember the name of it, apologies, whoever you are!
*Tbh if I counted the amount of times I'd join/leave/rejoin Bridgestone the actual number is probably nearer 257!