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Natural talent

Mon, Jul 9 2012 8:37 AM (93 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 12:21 PM


    wow.....just what ive always suspected.....shame!!


    why shame?

    At least he got a reply back from WGT :)

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 2:49 PM

    But if you took a minute or two to look around you would very easily find this player, as well as many hundreds more. 

    No kidding. Every week and month we wait for prizes (and by prizes, mean a pittance) from the tiered tourneys while WGT is supposedly "verifying" the scores..... what the heck are they doing? Not much.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 3:02 PM


    Hypothetically......sure....let's just boot out all the multi accounters in one foul swoop......oh wait......they actually contribute around 10% of the game's revenue by buying equipment etc. Put yourselves in WGT shoes......What would your stance be?

    Would you be willing to wipe off 10% of your business's income in one foul swoop? I'll be honest and tell you that if I owned WGT, then I probably wouldn't....but then again.....if I want to play a match for credits, I check out my opponent prior to entering into the game.


    I have business and would not want anything to do with those kind of customers. What may seem like a loss in the small picture would be brightened in the bigger picture. I call those kinds of people LCS 'ers . Liars , cheaters and stealers. They would eventually put you out of business you can count on that. Just saying...think about it and you will see a different light.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 3:30 PM



    Hypothetically......sure....let's just boot out all the multi accounters in one foul swoop......oh wait......they actually contribute around 10% of the game's revenue by buying equipment etc. Put yourselves in WGT shoes......What would your stance be?

    Would you be willing to wipe off 10% of your business's income in one foul swoop? I'll be honest and tell you that if I owned WGT, then I probably wouldn't....but then again.....if I want to play a match for credits, I check out my opponent prior to entering into the game.


    I have business and would not want anything to do with those kind of customers. What may seem like a loss in the small picture would be brightened in the bigger picture. I call those kinds of people LCS 'ers . Liars , cheaters and stealers. They would eventually put you out of business you can count on that. Just saying...think about it and you will see a different light.

    I have to kinda agree with PJ here, the bigger sandbagging becomes, it has to put off new customers...heck, word get's around fast.

    Why would anyone who knew sandbagging was an epidemic (not saying it is, let's pretend) ever spend a dime here knowing they are behind the 8-ball before starting?


    224 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 3:51 PM

    .. I'm not too sure WGT need the 10% of extra revenue to ignore the cheats, n I'm sure if they could they would eliminate all who are,,, tho proof is the defying thing.......

    .. What would be beneficial rather than naming the perpetrators is for WGT to give a monthly number of accounts they have de-registered, thus giving back the satisfaction of hearing such gleeful news to their adoring n trustworthy patrons................  

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 5:41 PM


    .. I'm not too sure WGT need the 10% of extra revenue to ignore the cheats, n I'm sure if they could they would eliminate all who are,,, tho proof is the defying thing.......

    .. What would be beneficial rather than naming the perpetrators is for WGT to give a monthly number of accounts they have de-registered, thus giving back the satisfaction of hearing such gleeful news to their adoring n trustworthy patrons................  

    Exactly guys ! I am one (very good salesman am I) who has a knack for making money. Now while 10% is a lot I am sure WGT looks at loss/gain profit. If they don't I give em about 5 more years until they're done. That wouldn't be good.

  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 6:15 PM

    We, the members, have given many suggestions on what WGT can do to stop sandbagging.  And it would stop because it wouldn't be worth their while to try and sandbag for long.  We've told WGT (many times!!!) to go look at tournament leaderboards and check out the accounts of the low scorers... does not look like WGT are doing anything - they expect us to do it for them... a cop-out!  We've told them to include other games and not just ranked stroke play games in tiering-up... does not look like WGT are doing anything here either.  There have been other viable suggestions too... and not one of them has been implemented.

    It would be very simple to include MPC's and Skins for credits into the calculation of a player's average and to add to the number of ranked rounds.  Quite simply, count every ranked stroke play round, every MPC, and every skins game for credits as a qualifying round towards the number of rounds required to move up a tier.  The calculation of the average with relation to ranked stroke play games can remain as it is now.  For winning an MPC the average can be reduced depending on how big the win is; for instance, reduce 0.1 for a 1up win, 0.2 for 2up or 2&1, 0.3 for 3&2, etc.  A loss should not affect the average either up or down, but a sandbagger wouldn't purposely go losing games.  Something similar could also be applied for the number of skins won in a skins for credits game.  With this in place, sandbaggers would very soon tier up and their fraudulent advantage would be wiped out.  Non-credit games do not need to be counted as they are not hurting anyone.

    Unfortunately, as I've already said, WGT have not implemented any ideas put forward to them, so they most likely won't do this one either.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 6:40 PM

    I have to kinda agree with PJ here, the bigger sandbagging becomes, it has to put off new customers...heck, word get's around fast.

    What? Someone actually agree's with me? LMFAO.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 10:25 PM

    Sometimes we are damned if we do, and damned if we do nothing at all.  Sort of like a catch 22 situation.  That is one of the reasons I don't play random MPC matches.  WGT has their work cut out for them.  Hell, it may be revenue, but don't forget the image they are portraying when it comes to protecting the integrity of golf. 

    I been playing here since June of 2009, almost three years.  I have seen alot of great additions to this site over that period of time.  Also, it is my humble opinion they want the long term players, it speaks volumes, so WGT, lets not let it fall on deaf ears.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 11:03 PM

    I hear what you're all saying....but obviously WGT have looked into things from a business perspective. Maybe those deaf ears aren't really deaf at all.

    In theory, when the multiple 1000's of players who constantly play this game on a daily basis and buy stuff in the pro shop massively outweighs the handful of posts we get weekly in this forum  on the sandbagging'll find minority issues do tend to get the proverbial body swerve.

    The majority of players in this game rarely look or don't even bother with this forum.

    If or when minorities issues gather pace and cannot be ignored any longer, only then may you start to see a more serious stance against the sandbagging issue.

    Until then.....if you see suspected sandbaggers & multi feel free to contact and let them look into it. Just don't harass them too much or become such annoyance that you become a nuisance.

