AvatarLee:I couldn't agree more my friend, just looking at the top of the Pro leader board and found this:
That's exactly what motivated this post as I wandered upon the same thing. The kook ahead of him has some similar scores as well. Just irks me a tad knowing these scumbags get the opportunity to compete for the same prizes we do. I've seen more and more wall posts from people like this to their friends saying, "Yeah I made master and it sucked. Couldn't win anything so I opened up another account."
If Price and I played in a foursome of real golf with these morons it would go something like this.
Jake: Hey 007 how far did you hit that foot wedge?
007: As far as I needed to!
Jake: You're great with that club.
007: Yeah, took years to perfect but gets me out of a jam every time.
Price: Hey Stormy, what did you take on that hole after going OB and 3putts?
Stormy: Mark me down for a 5, net 4 cause I was stroking.
Price: Quite a feat my friend.
Stormy: Yeah, I took relief from the bulldozer that was OB cause it was ground under repair. I know all the rules!
Jake: Hey Price, how far should I throw or how long should I hold these kooks under water?
Price: Like the old saying goes....as far and as long as you need to old buddy!