.. Poor form for the people who rely upon these Credits to get into small Challenge games or buy balls with them.....
.. Its time WGT toook stock n learn to contribute a bit more than taking away from the heart n sole of the game.....
.. I have enough to get by n enjoy the game,,, but to take from the lower end of the spectrum is nothing short of disgraceful.. .. for you WGT Icon to suggest "thats its not entirely our decision" is playing people for fools.. .. so what, because the poor have no money/credits there empty on the brain cells as well..????
.. Give back to the Up n Comers, the battlers of this game n start taking more of a cut from the High End of town,,, why not start with taking a higher % from the Winning stake of Ready Go games instead of taking from the 'poorer' souls who play and 'support' this game..!!!