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Hole-In-Ones on CTTH challenges

Sun, Sep 30 2012 3:44 AM (39 replies)
  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 11:53 AM

    FYI.........I've noticed that if you get an ACE on a hole during a CTTH challenge......IF you do NOT complete all 9 holes (thinking your score isn't low enough - and you close out the game before the 9th shot).....WGT will not add that ACE to your total Hole In Ones in your AWARDs section. 

    I know a couple of my ACES on regular course CTTH challenges have NOT been counted by WGT.....because, I didn't complete those particular games.

    Also..........I've noticed, that NONE of the ACES I've made on the WGT BEST OF PUTTING SHOTS (which is actually also a CTTH challenge).......these ACEs are NOT added to my total in my AWARDs section......not sure WHY.  I have approx. 13 ACEs on this PUTTING challenge.....including twice making an ACE on the 260 ft. putt (Hole #8).

    Well............this is no big deal..........just an FYI.



  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 12:43 PM

    Stats only officially count in golf if you complete the round. The same applies here so a HO1 isn't going to count unless you complete the round. 

    My guess as to the HO1 on the putting challenges is that compared to the longer CTTH games the putting challenges are so much easier that WGT decided not to include them. After all, how easy is it to putt the ball within 20 feet of the hole than it is to hit shots from 180 yds over water in a crosswind wind to that close? Not including those putts gives me a much truer picture of my game.

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 1:24 PM

    srellim234........normally, I would AGREE with what your comment here.  But, when I look at HOW LOW many of those CTTH scores are on the regular WGT golf course CTTHs......and I see that the top 10 on the Leaderboard have an AVG. of LESS than 5 Feet from EVERY hole......HOW is that possible???  And MOST of those holes are over 100 Yards...except for a few chip shots & some have (1) putt within the 9 holes you play.  Hey, I'm definitely NOT "sour grapes" here....I think it's fantastic when ANY member can put 9 shots even under 10 ft. from every hole!!!

    I don't think it's necessarily EASIER to put those 9 putts within 5 feet......EVERY time.  I think my LOWEST score on the WGT BEST OF PUTTING SHOTS is about a 65.0 - but,  I have a total of (13) Hole In Ones on that course - which includes 2 on that 260 ft. putt.

    I guess part of the point I was trying to make is.......that the WGT BEST OF PUTTING SHOTS is still conidered a "Closest to the Hole" challenge......WHY would WGT be concerned with NOT including those 9 holes (if you get a Hole In One)???  Hey, sinking ANY of those putts is no piece of cake.....especially, that 260 footer. did make some good points......thanks for YOUR input here.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 3:55 PM

    I do see your point on the putting holes in one. I wouldn't be surprised if WGT saw the original contest for WGT Nation members go to 2 feet on about the second day and they just panicked about including them in the stats. Maybe they foresaw paying out all those bonuses for holes in one and proximity awards.

    Personally I really don't care a lot whether they add those into the awards or not. When all is said and done I always have the stats page to look at.

    Hit 'em well and thank you for a rational discussion!

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 4:09 PM

    unsure why the putting challenge aces don't count.

    maybe they need to add a new award for it.


  • Santiago124
    157 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 3:04 PM

    Perhaps squeeze in an award for "Putting Champion-Wedge Category"  LOL

  • BMF5
    81 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 8:01 PM

    Why was this posted under Current Events?

  • TarheelsRule
    5,579 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 11:16 PM

    Good question.....

    Aces shouldn't count in putting games in my opinion.  If WGT wants a new award for it, like total aces or aces on all  holes then that works for me.

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 2:24 AM

    What is annoying is if you hole a tee shot from 171 yards and instead of counting as longest approach or hole in one it only counts as CTTH HIO, like you'd chipped in from 6 yards.

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 2:38 AM

    Aces shouldn't count in putting games in my opinion.  If WGT wants a new award for it, like total aces or aces on all  holes then that works for me. Ace in the CTTH/Putting Challenges is not a hole in one & should not be treated as one.  A hole in one is scored off the tee box......all others are approach shots/putts.