pjctas0822, with all due respect if my posts bother you then just stop reading them lol. I reported this as a bug and it has not been corrected. I am not asking WGT to do anything on my behalf but on the behalf of all those players/customers in countries that are having the same problems. There are quite a few additional threads that are complaining about this same problem.
When the problem is resolved I will stop posting and when I do stop what are you going to do with your time?
I never said it bothered me . It just makes no sense why you would not want to do what people have told you to in order to resolve your issue. That is insane. (doing the same thing over and over expecting different results)
I love using this forum it something that I enjoy as much as the game itself so why cant I enjoy that . Why does that bother you. Ill do just fine with my time since I dont have a 9 to 5 . Seems you dont either lol.
Another thing that makes no sense is you play everyday. If I were that unhappy I wouldnt even play nonetheless post the same problem (which is easily solved) day after day. What are you going to do with your time since you cant waste it on videos ?
BTW not getting videos due to demographics is not a bug as that has been explained to you by WGT. Im sorry I never stopped to think your age but its just immature to carry on this way man. How come you dont use one of the suggestions people gave you to solve your issues ? Wouldnt that be easier and more enjoyable?
When you stop posting about this Ill move on and try to help and or enjoy someone elses company no biggie . I am not here for you dude lol thats gay. I mean join a CC except this time instead of complaining about the CC why dont you help out . You know the old saying a CC is only as good as its members and the CC i inherited had very lousy member participation which is why I closed it remember? Anyway good luck to you man.
People love to complain but when they dont take action it shows the kind of person they are which I wont say but I never thought you to be that way . Am I wrong?
Since it seems me trying to help bothers you so much I will find someone who wants help or who wants to enjoy this site and game, so long brother.
I think this thread has run its course and its not a surprise that WGT mods dont even bother with you on this issue anymore lol. They will let you know when you can be happy again ok ?