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Road to Tour Legend

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Thu, Jan 30 2014 2:47 PM (59 replies)
  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 12:06 AM

    What do I do next? If I keep playing ranked rounds I could be putting the rope around my neck...
    Your decision IMO:

    - continue to win money tourneys, you will be promoted.

    - win against the big boys, you will be promoted.

    - step back and play only freebees, you may rest at your tier and build up XPs. Be careful though, the monthlies/weeklies also pay out.

    I agree to this scheme: outstanding players should be put to the right tier.

    It's comparable to a profession: You work the hell outta yourself, you get promoted and the boss expects more. You stay unremarkable, your desk is yours for longer.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 12:10 AM

    You know,  every tiers we once strugle on ,we made it with patience , i know its  almost impossible to get to TL ...... thats what we(I) all said from tiers to tiers ,level to level ,,,,,and frustrations to frustrations ,,,,        if we   keep playing  i beleive we can reach  things we never thought we could ,,,,,so far most of us  are doing this  and playing hard for our own plaisure .........    so   no prob  if we dont make it to where we want to be,   the chase  was   worth it  .........   no shame in that   .                      :)    Frapp 

  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 12:31 AM

    Good thoughts Frappe,

    but his probs are opposite:

    He may make it to where he don't wanna be :)

    33 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 6:43 AM


    Good thoughts Frappe,

    but his probs are opposite:

    He may make it to where he don't wanna be :)


    Not exactly where I don't wanna be.. actually said I don't mind tiering up.. my problem is accessibility to best equipment at Level 61.. I'm already at a disadvantage when I play some ready goes and Tournaments...and the foreseeable future is that I will have to stay months in the 60's and 70s(levels) till I can get a hold of a better driver at least...Not doing so bad, but surely they will make it harder if they put me 40 yards back and don't give me the chance to buy a better driver at least... but think this road has been walked before...It's an old complain...WGT doesn't seem to do anything completely right, just half. I have read these complaints hundreds of times. Thanks for your answer. 


  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 5:33 PM

    Nice one Frappe, you have the right attitude mate , and you are right we all got to TIERS we never thought was possible  .

     Just keep chipping away and it will creep up on you before you know it  . Never give up on your goals that is what makes this game so great .  Good luck to every one !

    dflop  !

  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 11:54 PM

    Not exactly where I don't wanna be.. actually said I don't mind tiering up.. my problem is accessibility to best equipment at Level 61..
    Yep - it's a timing question, as I said before. Should have said "where he don't wanna be now!"

    There are two threads about the accelerated promotion - 'nuff said there.

  • gk21al
    199 Posts
    Tue, Nov 13 2012 6:47 PM


    Started the road to TL on October 5th with an average of 65.59

    25 days later I have dropped my average 4 points, currently sitting at 61.59

    I have 363 games played as a Legend

    It  has now been 39 days and I have reached my 500th ranked round as a legend with a current average of 60.90

    Whew, I am slightly exhausted.  I enjoyed it and will continue to play the game, hopefully at a much slower pace.

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Thu, Oct 31 2013 12:27 PM



    My road there looks like it will be a long one.  Current avg was 66.27,  and after shooting a 30 for 9 holes dropped it down to 66.26.  lol

    I feel your pain and then some.  Shooting a 28 only drops my average .01

    Things will be slowing down from this point onward

    Slow moving was a bit of an understatement! lol   

    Here it is, 1 year later and my average is down to 62.27.   


    And I see that GK's went from 60.90 down to 60.07.  


    This is brutal lol.



  • wheresubin
    782 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 7:27 PM

    800  Tour Legends  this week.

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2013 8:38 PM

    Here it is, 1 year later and my average is down to 62.27.   


    61.45 now.  145 rounds of 30 or better to go lol.