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Road to Tour Legend

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 30 2014 2:47 PM (59 replies)
  • gk21al
    199 Posts
    Tue, Oct 30 2012 2:08 PM

    Started the road to TL on October 5th with an average of 65.59

    25 days later I have dropped my average 4 points, currently sitting at 61.59

    I have 363 games played as a Legend

  • sue333318
    631 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2012 2:57 AM

    I admire your efforts GK - but just banging out 9 holes at St Andrews front 9 - Is that really the point?


  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2012 4:23 AM

    My road there looks like it will be a long one.  Current avg was 66.27,  and after shooting a 30 for 9 holes dropped it down to 66.26.  lol

  • gk21al
    199 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2012 9:30 AM


    My road there looks like it will be a long one.  Current avg was 66.27,  and after shooting a 30 for 9 holes dropped it down to 66.26.  lol

    I feel your pain and then some.  Shooting a 28 only drops my average .01

    Things will be slowing down from this point onward

  • spraypantscorona
    121 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2012 10:02 AM

    Come on   Sue ,, cut the guy a husk .. Can we all just play and have fun  , no matter what  course . I myself  got to legend by playing the front nine on BPB ,, thats  my  course of choice ... So what i,m saying is , have fun,,  after that what  the hell is the point

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2012 12:08 PM

    Sounds more like work than a game but good luck on your adventure!  I know I'll be there at some point and I'm in no rush!

  • andrewmca
    447 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2012 6:49 PM

    Your obviously very dedicated, but how about a change in irons?? rather than using the G10s??


    My average is in the 65s so I have a loooongg way to go

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2012 12:57 AM



    My road there looks like it will be a long one.  Current avg was 66.27,  and after shooting a 30 for 9 holes dropped it down to 66.26.  lol

    I feel your pain and then some.  Shooting a 28 only drops my average .01

    Things will be slowing down from this point onward

    Your Average is worked out from the last (not sure what it is) ....  lets say 10 games. So when you shot your 28.... It will calculate the 28 with the last 9 games... Hence the .1 drop.

    Now if you shoot a 31 next... then the 37 you shot earlier will drop off... and you Ave might drop .4 

    The only time this won't happen is when you first get promoted to a new Tier...  then every game you play will affect your Average, until you reach the required amount of  games required.

    Those figures are only examples..

    I'm 60.30 now... and have hit a brick  


    33 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2012 4:04 AM

    Started the month at the top of the monthly winners when I woke up. In a few days I ran through Master ranks. Won two ready goes and placed among the first in others...mostly Master Ready goes. Got promoted soon, and I am ok with it. Still at level 60. Had to sweat to get to level 55 to get the Rossa, and even had to buy a couple of drinks to reach 58/59 and be able to buy a better driver and decent irons. Now I am faced with the dilemma... What do I do next? If I keep playing ranked rounds I could be putting the rope around my neck...Next desirable clubs are in the 80's and even though I don't mind tiering up I will soon feel I am driving old cars among Ferraris, Mercedeses, ...  So, Is the system fair? Would they have prefer sandbagging? I think that the brilliant minds that made this game cannot come up with a good idea. I got promoted to Tour Pro like two years ago...I had starter clubs and balls at the time... I quit. Now decided to play the game again and feel that tiering up is a poor decision, sandbagging is not. Read many posts where people complain about sandbagging, also about lower tiers with top equipment while some Legends cannot buy what they need to compete. So far my clubs are ok, but just ok... will they be if I keep on going? Will be sad to get frustrated...again.

  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2012 10:34 PM

    The closer you get ,  be aware that no matter what score you shoot the most you will drop is .02 and that is very rare , a 7 or 8 under round ( 9 holes ) will see you loose .01 at a time , can be very frustrating , but good luck every one and be patient  !

    dflop  !