chris5214:no need for apologies .. we are merely debating furiously over an issue where the lines remain crossed .. much to my consternation i might add ..
Thank you very much for responding with class. I completely understand your disposition, along with the other posters who have described having similar experiences.
I don't think I made this very clear, or at least I'm sure I haven't made a post specifically highlighting this fact, so here goes:
We hear you on this subject. We really do. I have my own opinion, the company has their own opinion, and our community has several different opinions. It is my duty to make sure that the direction of the company is congruent with the community's request, whenever possible.
I made sure this situation has the attention of the company, and believe me when I say: changes are coming.
If you think the debates in the forums get heated, I wish you could be a fly on the wall in one of our department meetings ;)
Many battles were fought, lives were lost, villages plundered and destroyed, but after all the smoke cleared, I believe the community will rise victorious from this battlefield. There will be much more on this subject during the upcoming chat with MisterWGT so I can't go in to further detail than this: Changes are coming in the community's favor. Make sure to tune in to that chat to learn more about what we are doing with this feature in the near future.
Stay classy,