If a person's particular system is able to handle everything, then fine. If not, that's when my recommendations apply.
If you turn off the option to preload images and such, and have nothing else using the internet, then your connection will not affect your swing.
Note that I did not say that your connection won't affect the game. I said it won't affect your swing (presuming you turn of preloading in the options and aren't running anything else that accesses the internet). Obviously, if you have a thread running that uses the cpu for apparently simultaneous other processes, you're losing time.
Game boosters disable other background processes and services and sometimes tweak your network adapter settings. Again, your connection is important to the game, but not to the swing.
I have no idea why WGT did or did not do anything. I've only been playing the game since March. Further, no one is required to accept what I say about the system. People are allowed to think whatever they like.