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porky pig meter & other issues

Thu, Nov 8 2012 7:32 AM (89 replies)
    10,728 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 6:36 AM

    I find pausing for around 4 to 5 seconds on back swing helps stutter!!  also reducing friends list is very important unless you have a slick processor,Also adjusting yer graphic settings and screen resolution can help,

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 7:16 AM


    Is the jerky meter down to a browser/flash combo, or down to ruining a computer by browsing too much flesh (ahem)?

    The reasons for a jerky meter are much more complex than just a browser/flash combo.

    How powerful is our computer?, is it single core or multi-core? does it have a separate or integrated video card?, Are your video card drivers up to date?, how much memory does your computer have?, what O/S is it running?, what is your computer doing other than running the game?, then we get to which browser and which version?, and then which version of Flash player?  Add to that the settings used in Flash, is hardware acceleration on? And what game settings are you using, is Flash quality high?  are flag animations on?

    All of the above appear to matter when running WGT's game.

    What's strange is, I can run Flash animations much more complex than the apparently simple swing meter, and they run smooth as silk.

    Here's an example.  If that stutters or is jerky close all WGT windows.

    What is it about WGT's game code that makes all the fiddling with our systems necessary?

    Well 18 months or so ago PugsAce started this eye-opening thread titled "Flash Optimization of the Game" which posed the question is optimization of the WGT code possible?  For those technically minded, the Adobe document

    "Optimizing Performance for the ADOBE® FLASH® PLATFORM"

    is an interesting read.

    As far as I know we never got an answer from WGT whether they've optimized their code per some of the tips in the above document or not.

    One last item, concerning whether or not a browser makes a difference, according to the observations noted in this test of Flash frames per second it makes a big difference:  Testing Frame Rate of a Flash Movie  (that looks very smooth to me btw)  You might try that page in different browsers to see what works best.  Personally I didn't notice any difference between FF, Chrome or Maxthon 3.

  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 7:45 AM

    I have used the same PC for five years, it was a pretty good rig when I bought it, now it is of course waaaay outdated. The point is I have used it in 3 different physical locations miles apart and with a cable connection, 2 different sattlelite providers, and currently with an ADSL link through my local phone company.

    The point is, without changing anything else, I have had wildly different meter performance according to my internet provider. My cable was bad for the game, one of the sattlelite providers was ok, but still had regular meter issues, the other was much better, only occasional problems, currently with the ADSL, almost no issues, maybe once every couple weeks.

    These differences can lead to only one conclusion, a bad meter is not the result of bad hardware, software, or WGT, it has to be the provider! Case cosed!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 7:57 AM


    Again, as much feedback as possible. Thank you. I've read that these things are helpful, however I wouldn't know, as I have no issues, while breaking all the rules. That's what gets me.

    I have tried pausing at top of back swing, & noticed the bars on either side of ding closing in. Why are they doing this & what affect does it have, if any. Bound to do something as far as I can see, or why would they do it? All I can figure is that it is just shrinking the "sweet spot". Again, as always, could be wrong, but want to know.

    The trick is to release the meter before the bars move, or to repeat from scratch. Time is shorter when putting!

    IMHO the light blue area is some sort of tolerance area, where shots may vary but not behave totally different. For example, a shot far out inside the light blue may stay in a 10° area of direction and lose 10-20% of it's distance. Outside, it may become real crap, or a nice draw :)