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"Legends, Tour Legends & Members of "Nation"

rated by 0 users
Fri, Mar 8 2013 5:03 PM (24 replies)
  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 12:49 PM

    With the exception of those who I have met and gotten to know........I am convinced that one of the requirements to be a part of that exalted fraternity, is to be a "sarcastic a**hole", who don't give a crap about anyone, anything,& with what others have to say. Unless, of course, they are the ones at the podium.

    If this is what it means to be one of the above, I will happily forego Legend, Tour Legend, and "Nation" member. These people by their antagonistic attitude and overbearing opinions(which includes opinions of including), are NOT the ones I thought I'd be looking up to.

    They tarnish the reputation of the greatest game in the world. If being like you means I have to conform, I PASS!!!!

    And I am quite sure that the answers I receive will only go to prove that point!!!!!

    "see you in the short grass"......................................."gv"

  • psychoaussie
    726 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 8:21 PM

    I am a Nation Member GV. But doesn't mean a whole lot.  :-)


  • genegold2
    1,302 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 10:14 PM

    You just labeled a group of players with a bad comment. How many of these have you encountered in play or even know personally?  That is a sign of being hung up on ones self, and if I encountered you in a game or real live I would sneer at you and leave!

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 10:24 PM

    Thank you for stooping to our level.  However, I don't understand your point?  Are you upset you aren't Legend?  A Nation member?

    You could put the work's easier now than it was 6 months ago.  Or, you could continue to whine.  Choice is kind of yours, now isn't it?

  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 10:35 PM

    Thank you, guys for proving my point in spades. Could not have proved it any better If I had written the comments myself!

  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 10:37 PM

    Thank you, guys for proving my point in spades. Could not have proved it any better If I had written the comments myself!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 11:14 PM

    I am a legend, albeit average one and a Nation Member, of which the latter means nothing.

    I try where possible to help players with genuine questions and am comfortable to voice my views in the forums. That is the great thing about living in a democracy, where we have the right to do so.

    And for that reason I try to avoid making assumptions and certainly avoid to typecast a group as it is poor judgement in my eyes.

    Many of the forum contributors have gained knowledge of the game and to that degree are qualified in their opinions and views.Yes sometimes they may (myself included) appear conceited. But they are just personal views, It is then up to the reader to determine whether or not they have some validity.

    Many posts in the forums are negative regarding the game and often unjustified from my stance, sometimes they are valid. But without discussion nothing will be learned and surely the objective is for the game to move forward.

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 1:15 AM


    Thank you, guys for proving my point in spades. Could not have proved it any better If I had written the comments myself!

    You reap what you sowed.

  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 7:55 AM

    It is very obvious that those who have taken offence of the original post, never read the first line. I cherish my friendship with you and am proud to be your friend. Those of you fit into the above categories (& you know who you are), Do not fit into the masses that I posted about. Those of you who are my "friends" who are L, TL, & Nation members, should set an example for the other's who would just "sneer" and walk away or would not even give you the right time. You, "my friends" are the one's I would look up to.

    And I am POSITIVE that there will be those who take offense to this post to. Which will only etch in stone my original post.

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 8:11 AM

    Do i take offense to this? Not really but to judge everyone who is not your FRIEND or that you have gotten to know because they are Legend, Tour Legend or a nation member which i am 2 of them is down right stupidity. Are there sarcastic a-holes on this site? ABSOLUTELY but where there is this many people you are gonna have that. I say to you maybe learn to not judge everyone because that is what you are doing sir. You do not know me whatsoever but choose to judge me. Sounds like to me you are the problem sir.