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Is the R1 Driver making the WGT less competitive? An empirical investigation.

Mon, Apr 29 2013 5:37 AM (76 replies)
  • Birdiesimmo
    22 Posts
    Wed, Apr 24 2013 1:17 PM

    Please note this study was not conducted by WGT. The research and any possible errors therein are my own.


    In this brief study I take an empirical look at the effects of the R1 driver to determine if the introduction of this new club, available to players at or above level 98, has shifted competitiveness in the game to any measurable degree.  My findings indicate the R1 driver (at the time of this study available only to 34% of Tour Legends and a much smaller percentage of Legends and below (<1%) has had a profound impact on the competitive climate as measured by Ready-Go tournament activity.


    There has been lots of talk about the R1 driver and its effects on the game.  Many have voiced concerns that the club has made an small group of dominant players yet more dominant and thus made WGT less competitive for the vast majority of players.  I decided to take a detailed empirical look to see what the truth is.

    In order to compete successfully in Ready-Go ("RG") tournaments, it can be said that one has to place in the top 5 with at least some regularity.  While the top 30 places are receive rewards it is only by placing in the top 5 that one sees a handsome return on their credit entry.  So I looked at the top 5 places in hundreds of RG tournaments to see how many of those critical top 5 finishers were level 98 or above; both before and after the introduction of the R1 driver in early March.  


    Before the introduction of the R1, the percentage of top-5 finishers that were level 98 or above in all RGs open to all tiers was 60.5% (605 out of 1000, or about 3 per RG).  After the introduction this percentage climbed to 68.7%  (738 out of 1075, or about 3.4 per RG).  In the lower-entry RGs (300 credits and below) this percentage climbed from 57.8% to 67.8%.  Similar increases were found across all credit-entry levels except the 50-credit RGs, where sample size was restrictive.  (For any math people reading this the data showed a Z-score of significance at the confidence level of 3.47 - which for the non-statisticians essentially indicates proof beyond any reasonable doubt).

    % Above lvl 98 in Open Tier Ready-Go Tournaments:

    Entry Amt     Before R1 Intro     After R1 Intro

    50 credit:      25-50 50.0%     116-240 48.3%

    100 credit:      147-275 53.5%     259-360 71.9%

    200 credit:     123-220 55.9%     239-320 74.1%

    300 credit:     167-255 65.5%     57-70 81.4%

    Total:     462-800 57.8%     671-990 67.8%

    % Above lvl 98 in High-Entry Ready-Go Tournaments:

    Entry Amt     Before R1 Intro     After R1 Intro

    400-500 credit:    74-105 70.5%     39-50     78.0%               

    1000 credit:     69-95 72.6%     28-35     80.0%

    Total:     143-200 71.5%     67-85     78.8%


    Based on the data collected here, the R1 driver appears to be everything some are claiming it to be, and more.  While it is perfectly obvious that this club offered an improvement over the R11s, the degree of improvement is exceptional and dramatic. The R1 is indeed a powerful weapon, worthy of being called the best single-club available in the game by a long margin.  By popular accounts adds 3-17 yds off the tee, yet more importantly adds a tremendous bonus to accuracy.  In the hands of a small group of 149 Tour Legends above level 98 (plus a limited few of players below Tour Legend tier) this club has increased the dominance of an already dominant small group of players at the expense of the WGT customer mass.  What makes the issue more problematic is that most players have no hope of ever owning it. A typical player lacks the time resources to realistically entertain reaching the 1.7 million experience points needed to acquire this club  in the far foreseeable future - which has created enormous dissatisfaction with the game.  I am of the opinion that this club should be made readily available to a larger pool of players its requirement level be lowered substantially.  Such a move would be both profitable for WGT and well-received by the vast majority of players: a rare "win-win" for investors, players, and WGT as a whole.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 12:53 PM

    Preaching to the choir here mate.

    Drive for show and putt for dough of course, BUT read the rest of the mix above to!

    I bang on all the time about more balance needed in the pro shop above a certain level........In my view a big shake up needed! And it's not even all about RGs...................  I just don't get the Pro Shop sometimes, not just with this rocket............................Just on the R1 they are sometimes losing sales because people are too embarrassed in their CC if a few I have spoken to anything go by..........  

    ALL TLs definitely............................then say L95 for Legends / 98 for Tm's??????????? Something needs to change........As say not just with this!

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 1:02 PM

    I don't have a problem with it being available to all Tour Legends. I think if you've made TL you've put in the time and dedication to this game and should be rewarded with the option to buy any equipment available.

    I do have a problem with making it available to lower levels. Us at 98 and above have put in many hours, played hundreds/thousands of RANKED rounds to get there. Why should lower tier, lower level players have access to that equipment?

    Then all we'd hear about are the Level 90 Tour Masters sandbagging MPC with this R1 driver. Or how a Level 85 Tour Legend doesn't have the R1 but a Level 90 Tour Master does.

  • AJRoberts
    1,276 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 1:20 PM

    An interesting piece here, Jimbog and I discuss this stuff quite regularly within our ramblings on course within our CC. My Stepson uses the earlier incarnation of this baby and it will see him (at Level 51 I think at the moment and a newly crowned Master) up until at least the latest G20 driver - it's a beast!

    However with all due respect to the initial statistician - I would imagine (tho I may be wrong and am happy to be proved so) that the percentage of players on WGT who play in the Ready-Gos is very small compared to the amount of players on here - simply because only a few of the players are actually able to compete at the top end of their tier RGs - I've certainly never been able to shoot low enough within my tier to trouble the top 10 of the RGs.

    I assume (and again I am happy to be proved wrong) that most of the owners of the new R-1 are probably among less than the top 2 or 3% of WGT players (the cost and levels required to own this club are prohibitive) in which case they're only really competing against each other anyhow! The guys who win 1000+ credits a month do it most months - and clubs like this probably really just up their game enough to add a little advantage, but the same applies to all the other contenders too!

    I'm not sure whether the introduction of the new top levelled R-1 is gonna make much difference to your average Joe WGT player - the one that'll make that difference is the earlier incarnations at L11 and L48 are (in my opinion) the ones that could make a difference for your general player.

    That said - if you can put the time and effort in to earning the right to qualify for the top R-1, why not?



  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 1:29 PM

    I agree with DarSum that all equipment should be unlocked to TL's.

    Having said that, the R1 really doesn't make that much difference. I play a number of guilds & MPC's against players using the lvl 94 R11s and have been out driven on many occasions. The only real advantage I have found is with a head wind, and even then I'm only a few yards further. More often than not, we're still using the same iron into the green.

    Obviously every player wants every possible advantage out there no matter how small, but this driver is not going to change anyones average that significantly that it may be deemed an unfair advantage to have it.

    I think a lot of players are under the impression that this is some kind of magic driver, you're still going to need a good approach & putt.

    I do hope WGT consider unlocking all equipment for TL's at least though.

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 1:29 PM

    Double post

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 1:37 PM

    All equipment in the pro shop SHOULD be available to all LEGENDS!.......I've played quite a few decent players who have upped their game tremendously by being able to buy the R1,the extra 5 to 20 yards it gives is a huge advantage,I used to dominate a few players I play with until they bought the R1 hence making it possible to reach a few more par 4's with a drive and par 5's in two,now I struggle to keep up with them,I used to play some RG's but since the intro of the R1 I have played very view knowing my chances of placing in the credits has been cut by a substantial margin.

       Reaching Legend status is a huge benchmark or it used to be but now one has to wait until level 98 to be a serious contender in the Rg's and Larger payout tourneys,I've been playing about 15 months and am at level 93,it appears it will be at least another year before I can be at the level to purchase the R1 and R11's 3wood until then I can see no sense in spending the kind of money needed to play in the pay to play tourneys.

      Reaching TL is a milestone most players will never achieve,catering the better equipment to levels above 94 is hampering most legends desire to  be competitive in the larger payout tourneys so they shy away from entering which is costing WGT tons of money.......Make equipment available by tier NOT level WGT..!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just before I turned Legend WGT upped the level for the R11's driver and really po'd a lot of us on the brink of being able to purchase that club as well because many legends under level 94 already have the R11's,those players who have achieved level 98 and above will always dominate and have a huge advantage because of the equipment available only to them.........NOT fair WGT........


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 1:50 PM

    I agree with you DarSum and pb1711,     Yes it is a better Driver , but i had the R11,s   for a long time ,and now that i have the R1  ,i can tell you they are verry similar , the R1 goes a touch further , and is more forgiving , the meter is pretty much the same has the R11,s  ok  a touch slower not enough to be noticable  , another   thing i have notice with the R1 if you  miss the ding by to much,  you loose a lot of yardage ,    ok they all do that  but more noticable  for the R1 ........                    And i would like to mention , and it was said here by some members ,that  level 98  and up , Legend and tour Legend   ,have spent so much time to get there  and for some of us  that dont play for $$$$  and for  a long time we buy our balls ,and we have invested$$$$ to have the best ,it is a nice bonus, i feel we deserve  it .             And no matter what bonus equipement they give specific tiers  or players ,there will always be those that are not going to like it .....Just remember when  WGT made some of us NATION Members ,there was a lot of negative post about it .......    Now we dont ear nothing about it anymore ........              All this to say the R1 made me a better driver , but it has not made me a better player .....Fairways and Greens is the name of the game here ,  and putting is what makes a good player better .    That is my opignion  regarding the R1   for LEVEL 98 and up .....       and to finish  some of the best players i played with lately ,some Legend some Tour Legend  are using the G20  still  with WGT cheepy balls  and they still beat me ,   most time lollll         equipement is importent  but the verry gifted players on here could use any equipement and give us a run for our $$$$$         :)  Frapp 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 1:56 PM

    (For any math people reading this the data showed a Z-score of significance at the confidence level of 3.47 - which for the non-statisticians essentially indicates proof beyond any reasonable doubt).


    The only way you can claim "proof beyond reasonable doubt"...would be if, you looked at each top 5 players equipment and verified they had the R1 in their bag.

    Another point worth mentioning is you have to take into account how many level 98's + were there when the R1 became available?  I'm sure not as many as there are now.


    Lastly, myself as an example, was just gifted the R1 last week..prior to that I used the R11..not R11s, in fact many of the TL's I play with still use the R11s.


    One additional note, is say from level 97 to level a long climb, where many rounds are put in and stands to reason the player will play better at level 98, than they did at level 97...more experience for myself..even now at level 102, makes me more consistent which makes me play better most of the time.


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 2:07 PM

    Personally i think the new nike ball at level 81 has had a bigger impact on scoring by Tour Legends than the R1 driver. That slightly slower meter we now get makes it easier to play the R11 irons and as every top player knows it's the R11 irons that make the super good rounds possible and not the R1 driver.