Well another month gone, which makes it four in all and I'm still nowhere what some people can achieve in two days. Anyway here's where I stand now.
Days played:- 122
XPs earned:- 249 941, Level 82.
Credits earned:- 17 547 (Videos/Surveys/Offers 17 069, "Winnings" 478).
Credits spent:- 12 065.
Credit balance:- 5 482.
Status:- Master.
Average:- 65.95.
Driving Accuracy:- 80.54%.
GIR:- 66.41%.
Putting Average:- 1.87.
Average distance to hole:- 20 feet.
Money spent:- Zero.
Hours spent playing:- Not so many of late.
Now that last doesn't imply I'm falling out of love with game, merely that July has been a lovely sunny month here in the UK and whilst a round of real golf might be a joy in glorious sunshine the virtual version is not. I guess that's why I'll never be any good at ths game (well one of the many reasons anyway), if the weather's great I'm just not going to sit inside playing on my laptop. It's just not that important. Whisper it quietly, but it's just a game
I'm still playing with the starter balls though thanks to a kind gift I'm going to start the next month trying the WGT GI2-S balls. No extra distance but two dots of "Feel", which hopefully will slow my meter down. Most of the time I'm judging the distance of my approach shots quite well but endng up way left or right due to a frequently (and often markedly) missed snap. I need another three shots to make TourMaster and I'm hoping this will help.
Sorry Rockitch. I feel like a total traitor.