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So, what now?

Wed, Sep 17 2014 10:48 AM (282 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 4:40 AM

    Your doing great and will notice a real improvemrnt with the Bladez irons and we will see you at the tips soon!

    Obviously a better ball will giveyou more control, distance and spin so your game will change from the bump and run to throwing darts at the pins.

    Yes the forums are a wealth of information........but I have never seen any of those things you mentioned in here :)

  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Tue, Jul 2 2013 2:54 AM

    How many more times do I have to miss the short putt I invariably leave myself on the par five second at Kiawah before I realise it breaks more than a super model would attempting the missionary position with a sumo wrestler?

  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 2:17 PM

    I finally reached Level 80 today (though have been playing like a dog the last few days). Which means all the Cleveland CG16 wedges are now available to me. I'm not planning to buy them just yet but do like to plan me these things and do my research. So my question is this. Are they a better bet than the high Level TaylorMade ATVs?

    Cost is irrelevant because I can afford both. The distances are slightly different for the ones I'm looking at, the Clevelands 60, 80 and 100 yards, the TMs 50, 75 and 100 yards. The Clevelands give more spin and precision, the TMs are more forgiving and have a slightly slower meter.

    So what do the assembled cognescenti think? Particularly those who have played with both.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 3:38 PM

    I jumped when the high level Clevelands became available , but sorry to say , bad move on my behalf . I'd used the TM's all the way through and noticed all top players using the Clevelands , but alas, too much spin for me, meter speed didn't bother me , just couldn't get used to the high spin and the strange 60, 80 and 110 distances over the rather more obvious 50, 75 and 100 , but hey , each to there own and I'm sure you'll get every opinion goin now :-) ... still goin well , keep it up

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 4:23 PM

    nally reached Level 80 today (though have been playing like a dog the last few days). Which means all the Cleveland CG16 wedges are now available to me.


    The spin on the Cleves can get you...FWIW, they are the same swing speed as the Pings you have now


    Due the the great spin and stopping power, I punch my 60 down to 30 yards and if I need lower, the 29 yard flop on the 80 yd club, can stop on a dime as next upgrade will be the 100yd Cle...


    Never tried the TM's, but play with those that have them...can't go wrong with either one;)

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Wed, Jul 3 2013 5:17 PM

    60, 80 and 110 distances

    You can get 60-80-100 yard clevelands....just saying

    Playing the free starter ball you can't have too much spin.



  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 9:45 AM

    My thanks as ever to Mushy01, MBaggese and Rockitch. I have said it before and will say it again and again. If you ask for help on the forums you will get it. If I ever do reach the upper Tiers it will be in no small part due to all the advice I've been given.

    Re the wedge question this is something that I want to get right. Whichever I go for will likely be the last wedge purchase I will ever make. I think I've demonstrated thus far that I am prepared to wait for the right equipment and this is no exception. It will probably take me another month, maybe more, to be in a position to buy the TM ATVs but I can wait if they're going to fit well with my game.

    Like Rockitch I'm still playing the starter balls and will do so until I hit a scoring brick wall. With these I can stop the ball using my current Pings and RocketBladez irons but not get any backward movement. All well and good for now but in all likelihood I will need this when I'm trying to shoot really low.

    All in all plenty to think about and plenty to enjoy over the upcoming weeks.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Thu, Jul 4 2013 10:40 AM

    yes it was the Clevelands i was referring to Rock m8 , sorry if it didn't come across like that ;-)

    I just find the 50,75 and 100 ATV's much more manageable , I very rarely use much spin in my game , I've split top and bottom with the ATV's into 6 top and 6 bottom equal increments, to stop the ball dead i use 1 down , 2 down if it slight downhill , very rarely below this except bunker shots.

    Out of rough , i find i need no bottom, leave dot where it is and add extra distance to what i strike the ball in relation to the percentage of rough , 3 yds extra works well in 20 / 25 % rough, 4 or 5 yds extra for 40/50% rough and so on.

         Top is almost exactly 6yds forward with full top , these are just some of the distances I've found and they seem to work quite , I'll say quite well because there's always room for improvement, and I'm always willing to learn.

       Fek m8, I have the full set of Clevelands still, just do not use em, but you never know , maybe one day I'll go back to them if ever the need arises.

    P.S also the slower swing meter with the ATV's will enable you to use the lower end balls for longer, always good in my eyes ;-)


  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 3:06 AM

    Very interesting Mushy01.

    I have been playing like I've got no fingers over the last week, barely broken par and a few scores I wish I could hide alongside Lord Lucan and Shergar, never to be seen again.* But it does seem I somehow have the ear of someone at WGT. Just as I sit here pondering the relative merits of the Clevelands and Taylor Mades and how I'm going to make my choice, along comes a free rental weekend. No prizes for guessing what I'll be borrowing.

    What do you reckon half a dozen consecutive nines with each? Which are the shorter courses which will alow maximal use of wedes on approach? Would you deliberately aim short or wide of the green? I I could hit them, unlikely as I can't hit the feking dance floor at he moment, would you aim for the bunkers to find how they perform out of the sand?

    *For the non Brits, Lord Lucan was in deep trouble when he disappeared off the face of the earth. Shergar was a top, top race horse worth millions at stud who was alledgedly kidnapped (horsenapped?). Both have never been seen since.

  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Sat, Jul 6 2013 3:31 AM

    Bullocks (I'm dyslexic), can't rent the ATVs as I'm not at the required Level. Oh well, a weekend with the Clevelands then.